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Mario Kart 8, Wii U

Anyone know of any good deals for the Wii U? I believe with Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Bros U, the Wii U is a worthwhile investment, and I should get enough satisfaction out of it to take a £30-40 hit when selling it after I have completed the said games.

Also what are your thoughts on the new Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Bros U? A lot of reviewers seem to have rated them highly. And what other games are worthwhile buying on for the Wii U?


posted on 31/5/14

There are a handful of games but the wii u is now more or less dead in the water with no 3rd party games and only 1st party ninty games every 6 months or so.

Couldnt say i could advise a wii u purchase at that price, still expensive for what hardwarewise is a 360/ps3.

Dont get me wrong the games you mentioned are very good along with the other ninty stuff. If you really need to buy Nintendo get a 3ds - far more games including the new zelda game, wii u is better to wait for then to half in price again £100 would be ok, and by this time should also have a decent library. Wait till around xmas when you will prob see a Xbone and PS4 price drop.

posted on 31/5/14

Thanks for the advise. I couldn't wait anymore, so just bought it for the price mentioned above. I had a go on Mario Kart 8 for 10 minutes, it was enough to buy it.

I rarely have time to play games anymore, but a quick 30 minute mindless fun gaming is still open for me to do most days, so it will suite my needs for now.

The big titles on PS4 and Xbone you have to invest your time in, I believe the PS4 will hit below £289 by christmas, but the Xbone is the one I'd like due to its media capabilities.

posted on 31/5/14

Fair enough KeV enjoy Mario kart looks amazing, just a shame I don't have enough interested friends any more - maybe I will buy one for my nephews

posted on 5/6/14

People are like tripping over each other to get a wii U and mario kart

posted on 5/6/14

Playing it right now, best Mario Kart ever!

Is this Wii U a ggood media centre? The PS3 is just sluggish now. And I've always hated it's menu system.

posted on 5/6/14

Erm I dont know 100% but i will go out on a limb and say no, i doubt it will be very media friendly. Often the prices of ninty stuff is kept down due to not buying any licenses like DVD playback on the Wii, and to playback media files etc.

And this link from 6 months ago doesnt fill me with hope: http://www.nintendolife.com/forums/wii-u/wii_u_media_center

posted on 5/6/14

Strange, wouldn't have thought having the ability to play back mp4 files and alike would have been that expensive. Netflix, YouTube are there, but no Plex app. Oh well I'll stick with the PS3 in my room then, leave the Wii U in the living room.

posted on 8/7/14

People are in danger of overlooking the wii u solely based on hardware, like they did the gamecube which actually had some fantastic games.

Good hardware doesn't make good games. I got a wii u at release because it's a system my gf will play games on, and there are some games with great substance, andbsee graphics really aren't bad!

Make sure to try the demos on the wii u store for other titles, and the indie games they sell on there (like "the cave" which is a brilliant little game, especially at that price)

Gamecube was massively overlooked despite some strong titles, and despite what people say there are plenty of 3rd party developers producing for the wii. And there should be a glut of games over the next few years. Sadly they have mothballed production for a while after initial poor sales, but Mario 3d world (which is no Mario 64 but is still great) and Mario kart 8 have boosted sales considerably. And most projects are back on now.

Nintendoland is also a good little game to pick up. It demonstrates wonderfully the possibilities with the gamepad and is the successor to the "sports" series.

comment by Marky (U19443)

posted on 20/9/14

I've had my Wii U for a few weeks now, got Mario Kart 8 (which is brilliant), Lego City Undercover which came with the console (which is basically a clean, lego version of GTA, fun little game) and Super Mario Bros U and Super Luigi U on the same disk, both traditionally great Mario platform games. Haven't played my Xbox since getting the Wii U, definitely enjoying it so far.

Also I got it second hand saving me about £100, still think the price of console/games needs to drop to make it a success. New games you're looking at £45+, which for a family friendly console isn't feasible.

posted on 3/10/14

Mario kart 8 - brilliant, best one in fact.

Mario 3d world is great.

Mario bros wii u is great.

Nintendoland is fun and is a great family game.

Lego city undercover is hours of fun and has some good humour in it. I.e. The clear arnie rip off who uses his movie quotes. And the prisoner "blue"

Monster hunter 3 ultimate is a great game.

Assassins creed 3 was far more enjoyable on the wii u than the xbox.

Zombiiu has a stupid name, but is actually a very good game. I wish they had been smarter with the title, because it's causing it to be overlooked.

And there's a slew of releases coming up that look good, there's a real movement away from the new consoles, especially after the chief exec of Activision has said the new consoles are not pitched at true games, just people who like to play the yearly re-makes of CoD with better graphics.

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