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Wycombe Tomorrow

I'm off to Wycombe tomorrow, bringing me Dad, Wife, mother-in-law and nephew, so I'm hoping for a big win, and a great performance.
Gleeson's back available, so I hope he's rearing to go, might have a few quid on him for first goal.
Here's to a Don's win, 3-1, gleeson first. COYD's

posted on 23/3/12

I might have a bet on him getting sent off, but if you are bringing your wife & mother in law we need to win for your sake and I won't mention anything about the offside law.

posted on 23/3/12

I'm banking on smudge to get his first goal for the Dons - 3-2 the dons - Martin to let one in on a cross

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 23/3/12

I will stick with my 3-1

posted on 24/3/12

I'm also going, got a bad feeling about this game but I'm always a negative so'n'so....
...Definatley won't be wearing my 'unlucky Dons top' which I wore on Tuesday, though we all know I oversaw a 4-1 win whilst wearing it, however, not worth the risk methinks

We should win this, hate predicting but I'll give my opinions after the game!

See you there boys!

posted on 24/3/12

Three of us going from Kent.
I think we will win think there will be a few goals.
Wycombe are scoring a lot of goals, but apparently are thin on the ground at the back.


posted on 25/3/12

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posted on 25/3/12

I can't argue with what you say, except making the playoff we always have a chance and I hope we are practicing penalties, as we are poor at them at the moment.

posted on 25/3/12

Cant see us getting auto promotion, the play offs are going to be difficult because we will be third favourites.
Its likely we will face either Huddersfield or one of the Sheffield clubs.
There are some very strong teams in this league, IMHO better than last season.
When we have been in the playoffs before we have been favourites more often than not and blown it, this time we wont be favourites so that may help,

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