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Federer to overtake Nadal

On July 8, 2007, exactly ony month before his 26th birthday, Federer won his 11th slam at Wimbledon. Nadal will turn 26 one month from tomorrow. Tomorrow, for the first time, Nadal will hold fewer slams than Federer held at the same age.

While Nadal has been chasing Federer totals on a career total basis, when we put them side-by-side on an equal age basis, it has been Federer who has been playing catch up.

Federer won his first slam one month before turning 22. At the same age, Nadal already held 3 slams (and was going to win two more over the following two months). Since then, Federer has been chipping away at Nadal's lead. Now, for the first time, he moves ahead. Of course, Nadal can regain the lost ground over the next few months.

It will be interesting to see where Nadal goes from here. Federer's 11th slam was quickly followed by the 12th at the USO '07 but that really marked the end of his super-dominance and further slams came at a much slower pace. Nadal is now also reaching the age when tennis players have traditionally slowed down. I wonder, will he slow down also or will he manage to buck the trend? That will determine whether or not he ultimately catches up with Federer's career totals.

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 20/5/12

I actually think Djoko has more chance to win on clay at the French versus Nadal than on other surfaces.

Nadal simply cannot last 5 sets versus Djoko. He uses too much energy on his basic shots/rallies.

posted on 20/5/12

But at a FO final? He always seems to be playing his best then!

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 20/5/12

No. He woudl have lost last year as well had he played Djoko.

Used to be a time when Nadal was tougher over the distance....now it's Djoko.

Nadal knows that and this is why he tries to be more aggressive versus Djoko.

In a way I really want to see them play at the FO...ideally in teh semi!

posted on 20/5/12

"Nitb, you are funny, don't you think Nadal in a FO final is too much of a challenge even to Nole? How close was AO? Nadal would be easier to take for Nole in the SF..."

No , I think it's about time Nole had it easy in a slam draw....for a change

posted on 20/5/12

After all he is a number one layer and should start beneiting from it, having easier, not more difficult draw.
Just like Fed and Nadal used to when they were number one.
However, we all know that the draws are rigged against him, so this is all hypothetical talk.

posted on 20/5/12

True, but I am a Fed fan!

posted on 20/5/12

I know you are <sigh>

posted on 20/5/12

do you mean ?

posted on 20/5/12

only if you insist

posted on 20/5/12


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