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Article Rating 2.33 Stars

Nadal - The tennis phenomenon!

For those who doubt the popularity of Nadal here is a stat which says a lot about tennis fans short sighted view of the game and in turn can explain why business wise it woudl be a mistake not to "help" Nadal get far in tournaments.

Who is the best left-hander since 1968?
Total Votes: 115601

16% - Rod Laver

7% - Jimmy Connors

15% - John McEnroe

62% - Rafael Nadal

This is based on more than 115 000 tennis fans who log onto the ATP website so I assume they are fans of tennis and shoudl know a thing or 2 about the game.

So why are fans at large considering Nadal the greatest LH of all time?
Sure he won more slams than 2 of them but 6/10 are on clay and has only 1 USO and 1 AO despite teh great effort of slowing the courts down. His stay at number 1 is bar far much shorter than the other 3 LHers.
Surely most pundits would put Laver with Federer above everbody else when it comes to GOAT and certainly not Rafa in the same bracket.

I can only suspect that close to 100% of the female and juniors who voted on that poll went for Nadal cause that that's all they know and explain this ridiculous result. I would understand if it was pretty close between Laver and Rafa with a bit less for teh other 2 but Rafa getting 62% of the votes?

Ridiculous. But business wise it shows there is money to be made selling Nadal!

What's your view?

posted on 10/5/12

Why does it have to be anyone you already know. Perhaps it's simply yet another person who has cottoned on to you both.

Good title for the article Tenez. Nadal certainly was phenominal yesterday.

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 10/5/12

That's certainly HE. I recognise her spelling mistakes. Mines are simply careless typos hers are the result of her illiteracy.

posted on 10/5/12

It doesn't matter, sHE's a tennis fan

posted on 10/5/12

"Perhaps it's simply yet another person who has cottoned on to you both."
we've sussed Nadal out ages ago, and you think we can work out v2 posters

posted on 10/5/12

That's right, revert to find spelling errors. That's adult behaviour.

posted on 10/5/12

NITB, bet you are distraught that your Nole spoke out against the blue clay. Bet you were flexing those fingers in anticipation of the 'Nadal moans yet again - this time it's the clay' thread that you had no doubt mentally prepared for your public's reading pleasure.

posted on 10/5/12


I'm sure you've been able to see my views on that topic on both here and tennis.com where you usually stalk me under various other names

How are Nadal's knees these days, btw, all this blue clay talk took the limelight off the man topic

posted on 10/5/12

Man topic? Watch it NITB. Tenez will call you an illiterate

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 10/5/12

No don't worry HE. I can't care less about typos except for the fact they are a good clue to identify the author.

posted on 10/5/12

I'm actually finding it amusing that you think I am this Hawkeye. Don't think she would be pleased though. I believe she is a bit anti Murray whereas I quite like him, but then I like most players.

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