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I was not excited in the slightest about upcoming friendly. Was slightly worried about them in fact but now I feel like we cant lose either way!!

Great to see Rory and Daniel in the squad...both players who could possible of made the switch. Lets get behind them completly. No secterian chanting and extra cheers when their names are called!! 7 NI catholics in the squad MON is starting to have an influence.

Some youngsters given the chance who have been playing 1st team football and granted I had to wiki some of them to discover who they were. Mayb just maybe one of these forwards can be our future.

Excited for the game hopefully some pride will be restored in the green jerseys of N.Ireland.

ps jjb currently got great sale of NI shirts on!

Come on GAWA...no politics, no wumming just good old football and please pleas a goal!!!

posted on 27/5/12

But that doesn't take away from the fact that there is at least one players who is a little gobsh1te who made the decision based on religious lines and didn't want to mix with "the other lot." Incidentally, he came from an estate where ethnic cleansing was the order of the day and he didn't have to deal with undesirable Protestants growing up.


Absolute quality! Criticise McClean for mentioning religion (and of course if we read his quotes in full it appears he's doing the local thing of confusing politics with religious denomination), then go on to 'incidentally' mention claims of 'ethnic cleansing' in 'Derry'!

So in summary, in a thread where it's ok to know and name the 7 taigs in the NI squad James McClean can't mention religion without being branded a bigot but some NI fans can compare a falling Protestant population in Derry City after the ending of the Gerrymandering with a term that has become synonymous with genocide and the sight of refugees fleeing oppressive regimes and think they're taking the moral high-ground??!!!

Mind you, given that many NI fan's compare players exercising their democratic right after the GFA to play for the ROI to the apartheid regime in South Africa one should hardly be surprised by such hyperbole.

posted on 27/5/12

You guys are a bunch of d$5ks. Seriously embarressing to come from NI. Its wrong to mention catholics playing in what used to be a prodominatly protestant team? Then why is Ince famous for being first black prem manager.

Article was to illustrate that we are now a cross community team and to highlight the progress. Sadly fools on both side turn it into political debate.

comment by Reiver (U13607)

posted on 27/5/12

Ethnic cleansing in Derry had nothing to do with the ending of Gerrymandering or a naturally declining Prod population. The simple fact is that 15,000 Prods were forced to leave their homes for ever by gangs of sectarian RC/Republican bigots. The biggest campaign of ethnic cleansing in western Europe since WW2! An eminent Republican Socialist and native of Derry described it as part of a "campaign of sectarian genocide". A similar thing was going on in Tyrone until Loughgall. Of course guys like you are desperately trying to pretend it never happened along with all the other EXREP atrocities from Enniskillen to Kings Mill, from Birmingham to La Mon and from Coleraine to Omagh!

posted on 27/5/12

Of course it happened. And it may be controversial but i think that it may have influenced Mcleans warped perception of how the world should be. I genuinely could not care less about religion and am a product of a mixed marriage. I know all about religious discrimination and my family were forced to leave their home because of the sectarian abuse my mother suffered just for being a catholic. So believe me, i am not saying it's a one way thing.

posted on 27/5/12

seriously gerrymandering and ethnic cleansing on an article about football.

posted on 27/5/12

Well it is the Northern Ireland board. Football is rarely the primary topic of conversation!

posted on 27/5/12

its pathetic...I wouldnt really want to play for us either if our fans are only interested in politics! Shut up and lets talk about our team!

posted on 27/5/12

Don't tell me to shut up and i will. And in fairness, every article that is created to discuss our team is hijacked by those who wish our team to fail having little digs and hindering any hope of a sensible discussion.

Anyways, our team. We have yet again been hit by mass withdrawals and will likely lose 4 nil next week, in a friendly that has been inexplicably arranged by the money driven IFA.

posted on 27/5/12

Good to see the plastic Republikaaners (and their apartheid views) have their holes handed back to them on a plate.

I liked this quote from one particular muck-savage:

"If we read his quotes in full it appears he's doing the local thing of confusing politics with religious denomination"

So firstly we're eejits because of course Mclean didn't mean religion at all what are we like?! As if that presumption isn't bad enough, the daft muck-savage then suggests that because he meant politics, THAT makes it ok.

Norn Iron fans are politely requested to leave our politics at the turnstyle. Since Mclean apparently can't, you're welcome to him.

comment by Reiver (U13607)

posted on 27/5/12

Good point which I picked up on myself. He seems to think that its alright to discriminate against people on political grounds but not on a religious basis. Hes still determined to have his discrimination. As for big Jimmy McClean he obviously likes to stir it but hasnt got the nous to do it properly. Bit thick. Probably trying to compensate for his Scots surname by turning out for the ROI which the poor lad thinks makes him more "Irish".

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