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Browse: Tennis  French Open 
Article Rating 4 Stars

King of Paris

Now that the French Open is tomorrow upon us, all tennis lovers who love tennis this is the thread for you to cheer for real tennis player- Fognini.
Let's take this opportunity to cheer and enjoy every step of the way as Fognini makes history. Surely Fognini without fatigue would have stormed to last year’s title. Tomorrow against Mannarino he looks to continue his 2-year unbeaten record at RG. Let’s not make no bones about this, tomorrow he will make 5 in a row. Fognini is the dude, history will be made. Djokovic will be quaking in his boots to see Fognini in his quarter again. He stopped him once, and he can do it again.

P.S. All vitriol, diatribe, and derogatory comments towards this player will be deleted. Let the fun begin.


posted on 27/5/12

This article is great to read for a laugh!

posted on 31/5/12

Fognini has beaten Troicki 6-2 3-6 4-6 6-3 8-6 in the 2nd round. His best result of the season without a doubt. He is now 2 wins away from the Djoker! Is it destiny? Tsonga next.

posted on 31/5/12

I know nothing about this guy Fognini Henman. What are his strengths? Is he happy on clay? He is in the third round so well done to him anyway.

posted on 31/5/12

"Is it destiny? "
exiting times

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 31/5/12

Fognini watch, history might repeat. Thanks for the thread HB, you should post here more.

posted on 1/6/12

A tough win for Fognini today. Tsonga and Simon/Wawrinka in the next two rounds do not look very easy either. If he somehow gets through I would not be surprised if he is so spent that he will have to pull out of his QF match.

posted on 1/6/12

Surely not...
Fognini is a clay baseliner; to be honest I have not seen him play enough myself to give an in depth analysis however I am going to setttle down and watch him today as I am on holiday.

Kuznetsova is 6-1 3-1 up on Radswanka at 12.53 UK time, with Fognini following. It is also likely to be on ITV with it being on the main court against Tsonga.

posted on 1/6/12

It's all over for Fognini! Despite some entertaining showmanship in the 3rd set featuring an array of drop shots and lobs, Tsonga beat him 7-5 6-4 6-4.

posted on 1/6/12

well, it was god while it lasted....Arrivederci Fognini, you blew your chance LAST year ....

posted on 1/6/12

Fognini is GOD. Coming from a Djokovic fan! What are you saying, divine intervention at work last year?!

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