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Theres only one team in Ireland!

With respect to all ROI supporters, there is in practice only one team in Ireland which embraces players from the two main traditions on this island. Where Protestant Unionists play alongside Catholic Nationalists. This team wears the green shirts of the IFA. The IFA was an all Ireland sporting organisation similar to The Irish Rugby Football Union; The Irish Boxing Association; The Irish Cricket Board and many more which have survived the political upheaval of partition and are still thriving. Unfortunately, when the FAI broke away in the 20s it destroyed the IFA's all Ireland structure. I do not want to get into the usual arguments here with EXREPs(extreme Republicans) about why the FAI broke away. Lets just leave it all behind us along with Cromwell, 1690 and the rest of it. My point is that it is time for the FAI to man up! Many FAI supporters also claim to be for the idea of a genuine all Ireland team. OK, if this is true, why dont they pressurise the FAI into making approaches to the IFA to rejoin the orginal all Ireland association? The FAI are the ones who rightly or wrongly brought about the break up of the national soccer association, so surely the responsibility must lie with them if they wish to really bring about an All Ireland team and maybe win something for a change rather than just peeing our pants cos we have qualified!

Apart from increasing our chances in international competitions a remerging of the FAI with the orginal IFA would have the effect of depoliticising the Irish soccer environment. A unified team could obviously NOT play merely under one set of the existing rituals. GSTQ and Soldier's Song would have to go. No great loss there as, like most overly political anthems, they are both rather uninspiring dirges without any of the unique charm evident in so many traditional Irish songs. They would be replaced with the cross community Minstrel Boy or something similar. Similarly, the Tricolour and Union Jack would either both have to be displayed or, more preferably, be replaced altogether by the very attractive orginal IFA flag of a Keltic Cross on a green background. Both these changes concerning the anthems and flags would have the effect of reducing the overtly political nature of Irish international football in both the ROI and NI. I also feel that a unification of Irish football would have definite postive knock on effects for Irish society in general.

I wish the ROI all the best in the coming Euros, but why dont you rebel boys fix your sights a bit higher and achieve something truly notable by remerging with the IFA and playing your part in the formation of a genuine All Ireland; two tradition; 32 county; non-political football team. A sporting organisation which would carry much more clout and promise both on and off the field than the present two associations.

posted on 27/5/12

To be honest, i love watching northern Ireland at windsor and the advent of an all Ireland team would probably see the opportunity to watch international football on my doorstep taken away would be quite sad for me personally.

Having said that, it is nice seeing the whole island unite for the rugby. And i think that should an all Ireland team ever come into being, after some initial disgruntleoent, most decent fans would get on board.

So, in conclusion, I like having the Northern Ireland team, i love going to the stadium and cheering them on and would be happy for it to stay that way. However, should an all Ireland team come about, i would support them of course.

For the record, i do think relations between both sets of fans have improved immensely and there's far more banter than hatred. Never a bad thing

posted on 27/5/12

I have always wandered why there is a unified cricket, rugby teams etc yet not a unified football team. I have never looked into why this was just accepted it.

It has never and will never be a concern of mine about religions or beliefs.

I especially feel it should never impact sport as despite all the emotions it is just a game. It is not life or death.

For me it is yes for a unified team.

posted on 27/5/12

I think it comes down to a long standing disagreement between the two governing bodies. As much as politics are always a touchy area here, that isn't the main reason for the divide.

posted on 27/5/12

Give me local boys from anywhere in NI playing football, rugby, cricket, hockey, tiddlywinks for Northern Ireland. Why unite at all? To better one's chances? Better off clamouring for an all UK team then, no?

As for an anthem for this so called all Ireland football team being suggested, does the op know about the stink that was kicked up in southern Ireland at the IRFU's decision to drop the Soldiers Song for away matches featuring the Irish rugby side? Good luck trying to convince the neanderthals who support the ROI football team.

comment by Reiver (U13607)

posted on 27/5/12

Must admit I do love going to see OWC also. I sit in the stand and watch teams like Italy, Serbia, Poland, etc. and it never costs me more than 25 quid! Must be the best deal around as regards international footy. Much better value than what the poor punters have to pay at the Aviva! Moreover, the crowd is pretty friendly and welcoming. I always seem to meet new people. Against Norway I found myself sitting beside a French Foreign Legionnaire. He was orginally from Belfast and had travelled from France for the match. Interesting bloke.

posted on 28/5/12


you just despise irish people dont you......

just admit it ...

posted on 28/5/12

See, this was a very nice article, then as usual foikbak had to go and try ruin it....

Anyway, I think the idea of an all Ireland team is wonderful and I think 98% of other Irish fans would agree with me, BUT the idea that the FAI would go and beg to "re-join" the IFA is laughable.....

If this idea was ever to work, it would have to mean both football bodies FAI and IFA being scrapped and replaced with a reformed body representing North and South, free of any political bias or attachments...

A fresh start if you like, that way it would then be possible for the team to introduce a new anthem/new flag/new emblen, of you which you make some very good suggestions Reiver

As it stands the IFA's political connections to Windsor Park/Linfield/East Belfast etc etc, are far too strong and simply appointing a token manager with surname "O'Neill" isn't going to change that unfortunately

Yes I know this is all history and we should all let go of this baggage and that's why I say the best way to do this is scrap both football associations in favour of a newly reformed All-Ireland one.

posted on 28/5/12

Bat, I hate the Irish?

Why would I hate myself?!

In your warped mind, wanting Northern Irish teams in all sports means I hate the Irish? Deary-me

comment by Reiver (U13607)

posted on 30/5/12

Im not suggesting anyone has to BEG. In fact, "begging" would be entirely inappropriate and counter productive! What I am saying is that the ROI people like those of NI will have to play their part in bringing about a new All Ireland team. It is not just going to happen and as HECTOR pointed out above, I expect many of the administrators on both sides to be against it for purely selfish reasons. I suggest that we keep the name IFA for the new body not to denote the primacy of the IFA as opposed to the FAI, but for the following reasons: [a] With the IFA and then the FAI, we are running out of linguistic permutations. We dont want to end up with something daft like, "Football Association in Ireland"; [b]This was the orginal name when we were all together. We are returning to that ideal of "togetherness", so lets use our orginal name with pride; [c] It is the most logical and succinct.

comment by Reiver (U13607)

posted on 30/5/12

Actually, I believe the full name of the current IFA is. "The Irish Football Association (Northern Ireland)". That is how it appears on the shirt badge. With the new association the last bracketted bit would obviously be deleted.

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