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Rabbit season/Duck season/Transfer season

In the old cartoon, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd had the row tearing pictures off a tree as to whether it was Rabbit or Duck season then the last picture depicted Elmer, so it became Elmer season with Buggs and Daffy out to do him damage..

The above is as quite accurate portrayal of how the football transfer season works with perhaps two clubs upping their bids and packages to lure a player then along comes an outsider and steals the prize from both of the previous runners. However in the process they may also become "victims" and see players leaving them, rather against their wishes.

If you liken this to Town you could see Bostock coming on a year long loan or a fee with a sell on clause. Add the that Homes and McEverley, and perhaps the much rumoured Williams. Di Canio has already said he wants to recruit from above or L1 at the least, so maybe those who want Marlon Pack are in for disappointment, and to be very honest from what I have seen of him, I didn't think him to be as special as many say, add to that he is not proven at a higher level as Paolo wants.

All of that said we are still carrying Kerrouche & Lanzano and with Kennedy, Phil Smith, Mark Scott, Gabilono and Esajas already gone the clear out, you would think is almost complete.
It wouldn't surprise me to see even more go, possibly Risser, Lee Cox or even Connell, and maybe even DeVita. Bournemouth may yet again come for Ritchie and with the Russian having money burning a hole in his pocket and Wray having to balance the books never rule out a surprise player leaving for the betterment of the club.

After all of that we are down to, dare I say it, one goal keeper so another, you would think must be found. I will not enter into the horror story of last weeks turmoil at the club to discuss that issue, but the fact remains, we need a goalie in case Wes gets injured or is unwell.

After all of that, you can see why I have likened it all to our good old friends at Looney Tunes. Transfer season it is, and with PdC, its about as much fun as those brilliant cartoons, after all, you could never make it up, could you.?

posted on 29/5/12

What's all this Tehoue rubbish about? PdC is accountable because he brought him in. No doubt we will get fined for something 'cos that's the way to subsidise the suits. Where does the money from fines go to?
When I played in sunday league, I was called all sorts of things, a lot to do with my size, ability & place of birth. I never made a big deal out of it, just replied in a similar manner.

posted on 30/5/12

I think the whole Lake Tahoe thing will pass. As commented in The Adver, why didn't he go to the Police and have a judicial hearing, or is he afraid of a Perjury charge and going behind bars for casting false aspersions.

posted on 30/5/12

It comes to something when no-one can call anyone anything without being accused of an "ism" of some kind, even if they are playing like a big women's blouse.

posted on 30/5/12

Well Red, that would be a bustism then ???

Anyroad the man has just signed a juicy big extension to his contract, seems we are stuck with spaghetti and Paolo for the foreseeable future then, until somebody comes along with a FAT cheque book.

posted on 31/5/12

Good to see PdC's contract issue resolved. I've been watching for exciting news about signings (and departures!) and all we've had is the Tehoue and McCormick stuff!

Hopefully things will start to move now. I think Magera will be coming back for pre-season but I'm not holding my breath there. His scoring record isn't good and I don't see him being a realistic option up front.

I hope Billy signs...and gets some game time...he's got quality and has a significant part to play IMO.

What's happening with Andy Williams? I can't find anything about him having gone elsewhere.

posted on 31/5/12

Don, the last I heard was Williams was bound for MK Dons, franchise, or w.h.y.

Today it is said in The Adver that PDC is after 7 or 8 new players, but I dunno if that includes McEverley and Bostock. Holmes was just a cash-cow wanting over the top money for his ability so for once we didn't sign the player. He is not outstanding, on a 0 to 10 scale I would put him at around 7maybe. There will be plenty better.
Chris Lines when he was at Gas was better but he went to Sheffield whatever.
Exiting times ahead and my season ticket will be worth every penny as I sit opposite the bench and watching PDC is worth it by itself, let alone the game.
As the smug kebab says onwards and upwards.

posted on 31/5/12

Not that sorry about Holmes, as you say he wasn't worth over the top money. Preston are buying anything that moves at the moment, obviously money no object. It'll be interesting to see how they do next season.

Who would want to play for the Franchise??? They're not even a proper football club (I'd better stop there or I'll start a major rant!).

Bottom line...I trust the club's mangement to bring in decent acquisitions in the near future. They know what they're doing and have learnt from past mistakes.

Yes, onwards and upwards.

posted on 31/5/12

It's not often that I disagree with you, but I don't feel confident about the "club's management" being able to sort it. We have signed a load of lemons, OK, in between, a few sweeter fruits, but the bad apples......
We need a damn good striker. I reckon that the rest of the squad are good enough. I don't think that Bodin is that man. We should concentrate on that & fill in the spaces later.

posted on 31/5/12

Agree about the need for a striker...I see Billy as a wide man. I'm going to give some serious though to the striker situation and will post when I've got my thoughts in order (could take a while!).

posted on 2/6/12

Haven't we got wide men? OK, always looking to improve, but IMO that's not the priority. If Billy can't be better than what we've got wide & can't hack it up front, then he's better off elsewhere, no matter how much we like him. Time goes quickly, we need the striker situation sorted now, not at the end of August.

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