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Article Rating 2.71 Stars

Interesting article on doping in tennis


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posted on 5/6/12

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comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 5/6/12

HB, you take out 2010 and Nadal has always struggled after July. It is not difficult to see that majority of his success has come on clay and he is one dimensional.

posted on 5/6/12

@In 2010 after winning the US Open he also won a tournament in Asia and had a very credible run at the WTF, winning every match apart from a 3-set loss to Roger in the final, on an unfavuorable surface.
Lets look things in detail and not just the results to get the complete picture.

He won in Tokoyo ATP500, hardly any playing field that can trouble him. And yet he struggled to win it. He should have lost to troicki in the semis. But we all know troicki. look for that match and you'll see it for yourself.

WTF 2010: Did he not struggle to reach the finals? Was he blazing his ways like he does on clay? That surface as they are all now, slow and nothing like a fast indoors of Rotterdam. But indoor has lower bounce and hence it helps Fed against Nadal.

US open has become considerably slow. I see the 2005-06 matches and I see how effortlessly players could hit pacy shots. They have just disappeared now, only someone with brute power can hit those. Yes he did win the USopen, but it can't be denied that the draw really opened like a dream for him. He was getting all his dear spaniards and then Youzhny in semis. Com'on. And a drained Djo and an a extra day of rest. They all contributed to his win definitely. Not saying that being fortunate is his fault, but that win doesn't mean Nadal's post Wimby season is suddenly very good and different from what they have always been. He has been a pro since 2003. Can't you see any pattern even now?

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 5/6/12

Yes the USO is much slower nowadays. I believe it was slowed significantly in 2010 to "create history" and cash in on Nadal's popularity. But I woudl not be surprised if it was slowed down before but Federer and Delpo still managed to make it look fast with their powerful shots.

posted on 5/6/12

Conspiracy theories by Nadal haters!

Nadal and Djokovic or anyone else don't take steroids!
Thats a fact!

posted on 5/6/12

we cannot say it is in fact until anyone is tested.
Nothing against either player but i am just saying.
As a massive cycling fan and cyclist i've seen a lot of cheats.

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 5/6/12

Nadal and Djokovic or anyone else don't take steroids!
Thats a fact!
That's what people said about agassi.

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 14/6/12

This is an excellent piece of information and though it is not directly related to tennis, it woudl be interesting if a champion could lose his titles retro-actively.


7 TDFs down the drain? Interesting.

LA is still innocent until proven guilty but USADA and WADA seem serious about bringing one of the potential biggest doper down to earth.

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 14/6/12

Tenez, these investigations are based on earlier samples but for Nadal there are hardly any samples.

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 14/6/12

Good point wow but I think the evidence is already out there but they have just hid it because sponsors are putting pressure. Once a player loses popularity and marketability over time like LA now, they can safely release the information.

It woudl be funny if some where having their titles taken away....though it did not work for Agassi obviously but I still think it's just a question of time before tennis gets his doping scandal. It's just way too obvious nowadays.

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