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Do I hear that Cardiff, the "bluebirds" are changing their strip to red?
My God, is nothing sacred?

posted on 6/6/12

I have been called a "hypocrite" Why?

posted on 6/6/12

It's lost on me, no idea!

posted on 7/6/12

Hello Red.

Just some light-hearted tomfoolery - you're "Red" yourself, so you're a hypocrite for criticising someone else for wanting to be red. At least I think that's it...!

Seriously though, I haven't checked Cardiff fans' views, put I tentatively assume that they're spewing about it. I certainly would be. I was annoyed when we played in white in the L1 play-off final a couple of years ago - and that was just one game...!

posted on 7/6/12

Made a pig's ear of that post! Preesed the wrong button! But you must get the gist.
How that makes me a hypocrite, I don't know.

posted on 7/6/12

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posted on 8/6/12

I accept that. But, I hope that I have never been a hypocrite & to be called one was not nice. I can't see why my handle on this site should suggest it.
I support a side playing in red. Never ever called myself any other colour gollum.

posted on 10/6/12

My mate Edgar, a real Bluebirds supporter has cancelled his season ticket over this. It seems that the Korean owners see Red as a nation symbol of good luck at home, so they are changing the colours here at the club in the hope that promotion will come this season. Many other changes are taking place at the club and the natives aint happy. This has been going through the mill since before end of season, so it aint new news. Many have relinquished their season tickets and have sworn not to go back until the Blue is restored. I think it is fare to say that a depth of feeling has ensued.

posted on 11/6/12

If they wanted a team in red, why didn't they buy one with those colours? Mind you, it could have been us, so I suppose we should not talk too loudly!
It comes to something when our football heritage is governed by the whims of Koreans. What have they ever done for the world?

posted on 11/6/12

Had a civil war in 1950.

posted on 11/6/12

I also believe they build some good ships, not bad cars and decent TV's. I also think they hosted a decent World Cup as well, a while back. That said my buddy, Kats, who lives in down town Tokyo, can't abide them, so there you go. Doesn't matter who or what you are, you simply can't keep everyone happy all of the time.

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