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Slam chase - Rafa vs Roger

Rafa was 26 years old when he won his 11th slam. When Roger won his 11th slam, he was 25 years and 11 months. So, both almost exactly the same age. Below I look at the pace at which Rafa needs to keep collecting his slams to stay on par with or ahead of Roger:

Slam # No later than
12 Did not make it
13 Wimbledon 2013
14 AO 2014
15 AO 2014
16 USO 2014
17 AO 2017
18 anytime?

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 14/7/12

Summerblues, back to my original point, seems like I was right eh?

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 14/7/12

No Jonty you cannot be more wrong and you know it. Federer being too old being the reason for his bad display recently? and then he goes on beating the best and most physical players in the world with sets to spare?

No wonder you filtered me. You don;t want to see the truth!

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 14/7/12

I see another filtered comment I imagine it's another load of arguing the toss signaling the end to any chance of intelligent debate again.

posted on 14/7/12

Jonty wrote:

Summerblues, back to my original point, seems like I was right eh?
Oh dear, I thought I was addressing your point with my response yesterday, I must have misunderstood you. Not entirely certain which point you have in mind but going through the plausible ones I think yes, it probably looks like you were quite possibly right.

posted on 14/7/12

I think part of the problem is just personal dislike here, SB

When you don't like someone, you read into things.

I noticed a lot of posters can't handle when Tenez claims Federer was injured, taking it the wrong way, as if he's finding excuses for the losses, which he isn't.

Here in Wimbledon, I think he was fine until his back caught cold. That's when he started having problems in those one and maybe two matches. Against Nole, I think he was fine, still because it was cold he wore the thermal vest underneath his white top.
When your back catches cold (and that's usually with people who have an on and off problem with the back), it comes suddenly and can be sorted with pain-killers over a day or two.
I'm imagining Federe's team has some strong stuff that works even quicker.
But while the discomfort lasts, you have shooting pain down the leg and it plays on your mind. Becaus it's the nerves, you never know how they are going to react, it's not a dull ache it's sharp.
So at worst, he may have been avoiding certain movements in order to prevent the pain.
I'm imagining that pain can also stuff you when serving.

posted on 14/7/12


Yeah, my view on Federer's back is very similar to yours. He has had it on and off for years. Some matches it is better than others and he just needs to hope it does not flare up in the really big ones.

Well, I think both Tenez and Jonty have interesting insights to bring in, and this forum is not so big, so too bad if posters do not see eye to eye. Not my role to try to blame one or the other (even if I may have my opinion). Anyway, I think at this point the "dislike" is mutual.

posted on 14/7/12

"Anyway, I think at this point the "dislike" is mutual."

what a shame....

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 14/7/12

In all honesty tenez has been labelled by majority of posters as wum in the past but I have rarely seen tenez getting personal with the posters. On ja I did read few times tenez calling jonty idiot which is not usual tenez.

But again I do see tenez and jonty both as informative posters so it is a shame that jonty has filtered tenez.

posted on 14/7/12

Tenez has always been the same (polite, patient and articulate) and has been on the receiving end of a lot of undeserved junk which I could never understand.

Personally, I've admired his perseverance with some very unpleasant characters both on old 606 and v2. I don't blame him for losing temper now and then.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 14/7/12

On ja I did read few times tenez calling jonty idiot which is not usual tenet.
When someone resorts to abuse like that, it's generally because they have lost an argument and I have no desire to read drivel like that.

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