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The Deafening Silence

Listen............ and what can you hear........schhh......................... nothing.

With PDC back from his holiday and the obvious candidates all shown the door with more to follow probably, life at the County Ground behind the scenes is probably busy. As yet No new signings but I would suppose this is to be expected. Players still on holiday and contracts are not up for renewal until the END of this month.

Billy Bodin it may seem is playing a cat and mouse game with the club, he wants regular first team footie, and what 20 year old doesn't, but diCanio is having none of that, and has said, if you want regular first team footie, GUARANTEED, then you better look elsewhere. It seems the young man has burnt some bridges. It seems that Kennedy has found a berth and I wish him luck.

The favourites to be signed first off are Bostock, but it seems Spurs want him on their pre-season, and McEverley who is a free agent and to his credit improved with every game he played with us. Many are pinning hopes on these two, as Holmes has already flown the nest to Preston, which to me revealed the amount of loyalty and "want-to-be-here-factor" he had for STFC, better gone now rather than later, good, but not irreplacable.
The Andy Williams episode is no kept secret, and nobody apart from Andy himself it seems exactly know his status. Will he sign ? has he signed elsewhere ? was he ever a real target ?, well NOTHING has been confirmed by anyone, so we will have to wait a while.

So the SN1 silence continues with many articles centred around old news in the local press, indeed The Adver are doing very well at re-cycling old news and interviews, but seem loathe to get out of the office and get some fresh interviews done down at the ground, so much so I have nearly offered my services free of charge to bang on doors for them in search of a story, a new story.

There are still outstanding issues from last season lingering on, the racist allegations for a start, and the FA have yet to publish the result of their findings, quite why it is taking so long is beyond most.

Well thats it, if you have any new news please add it as we could all do with something right now. BTW, I was not impressed by the England performance against France, I would have much preferred a goal from open play as opposed to a set piece. Well done to Lescot though, he had a chance and took it, shame others cannot deliver as much, not being harsh, being frank and honest.

posted on 13/6/12

I'm in Greece, large TV screens in every bar, lots of interest because of the various nationalities here, good atmosphere!

England were unimpressive IMO, did well to get the draw...can't see them going far.

Good post SF, I really am getting desperate for some news!

posted on 13/6/12

Don, enjoy Greece, and have some sun for me as well. Your name sake off The Adver forum is in Mexico.
I got bored and nobody else seemed to be posting much, its only an over view of what is going on. I don't think there will be any concrete news until end of the month when all the contracts expire.
Contrary to the thoughts of most I do not see Marlon Pack or Eunan O'Kane coming here. i think we could see McCormack going into a "midfield general" position to start bossing games, he has the ability to go forwards and his defence record stands its ground against any examination. I'm sorry to say but I still see Ferry as too lightweight to start bossing games, so another CB needed to back up Flint and Devera. Rumour's are abound over Connell, which I did forecast some weeks ago, and I think Jonathan Smith or Cox may also be a surprise casualty in the transfer dealings. We shall see. I hear the currency changes there on Sunday, LOL !!!

posted on 14/6/12

Sorry, up here in Leics, I am the last to get any news, so rely on you guys! But we have to contribute to keep the site going, no matter what carp I talk.
We need a striker. Bodin ain't proved himself at Div 1 level. If he is messing us about, then get rid now.
McEverly is a must have. Bostock will surely look at all options. I think that Ferry is good enough for Div 1 so I would try to keep him - I wouldn't like to see him playing against us!
Anyway, what does a Greek urn now! Euros or drachmas, that's if he has a job. My hols start next weekend. Fishing in Torbay!

posted on 14/6/12

I hope you get decent weather in Torbay, it does seem to have its own system. We used to stay at a big site/holiday centre in Goodrington, named after some famous 50's/60's girl singers.They were sisters I believe.
With Harry Redknap being shown the door things may change as goes Bostock, we will have to wait and see.
I think there will be a massive clear out again at the end of this season, as a lot of contracts will come to an end and add to that if we do go up, then there will be the skills and ability question. Clearly some need to mature very quickly and become more accomplished over the next 46 games. I can't see us furthering our cup run experience at the cost of promotion, in this all important season. For the new board we must put in at least 100% effort and a lot of focus and pressure will be on the players to do it all again, especially after Easter, the all important run in.

posted on 14/6/12

Beverley? I think I stayed there once. Now I rent a flat at the end of Brixham Breakwater - the shore end! Look out the window & assess the weather before going fishing, then put another pullover on!
But, 3 points in August are just as valuable as 3 points after Easter, so we need to hit the ground running.

posted on 14/6/12

You got it in one, its still going strong. Your view on the points is spot on, 3 points are 3 points and just as valuable when ever we get them..
It would also seem your view out of the window is just as important. I'm hoping same as everyone else for some better weather soonist. had a mail from Mondy today, but it was only a joke.

posted on 14/6/12

I've brought euros in cash, there's every chance all the banks will be closed from Monday!

What's all this stuff about Navarro from Brighton?

I've had an article about Graham French published on www.thewashbag.com. Anyone remember him from the 60s? Have a look and tell me what you think.

Off now for Ireland and Spain!

posted on 14/6/12

I just about remember Graham French. I think he was a winger, destined for stardom. But we had Don & sold him off to Watford (?) I think that there was some scandal about his private life. I probably saw him in the few games he played for us, but nothing outstanding or I would have remembered it. I wonder if he was playing in the youth cup final v Man U.

posted on 18/6/12

Euro's still looking good then. I just hope the sun is shinning and the people are happy now its all settled.

posted on 18/6/12

Great result for Greece against Russia, locals are ecstatic! Much more interest in Saturday's football than Sunday's election!!

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