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Browse: Tennis  Wimbledon 
Article Rating 4.33 Stars

Points tracker - Wimbledon

New Old Name Old Dropped Gained New Move
1 3 Federer 9,435 360 2,000 11,075 Up2
2 1 Djokovic 12,280 2,000 720 11,000 Dn1
3 2 Nadal 10,060 1,200 45 8,905 Dn1
4 4 Murray 6,980 720 1,200 7,460
5 5 Ferrer 5,250 180 360 5,430
6 6 Tsonga 5,230 720 720 5,230
7 7 Berdych 4,685 180 10 4,515
8 8 Tipsarevic 3,200 10 90 3,280
9 9 Del Potro 3,180 180 180 3,180
10 11 Almagro 2,605 90 90 2,605 Up1
11 10 Isner 2,655 145 10 2,520 Dn1
12 13 Simon 2,525 90 45 2,480 Up1
13 12 Fish 2,535 360 180 2,355 Dn1
14 14 Monaco 2,115 10 90 2,195
15 18 Cilic 1,655 10 180 1,825 Up3

The oldest and grandest of them all, the first slam among the equals is here.

With it, we - for the first time in a while - have a chance to see a change at #1 spot. In fact, any of the top three can come away as the #1. How can this happen?

For Federer it is "simple" - he will become #1 if he wins here. A win will guarantee him #1 spot and anything less will guarantee he does not get there - irrespective of how the other guys are doing.

Nadal will get to #1 if he wins and at the same time, Nole fails to make SF.

Anything else, and Nole remains at #1 (for now).

Further down, Ferrer (who just leapfrogged Tsonga with his win this week), Tsonga and Berdych continue their fight for #5-#7. However, with Murray struggling recently, they are also getting closer to the #4 spot. It will likely be a bridge too far for any of them here (they would have to win here and even that might not be enough) but they can chip away at his lead and maybe catch up by the time summer is done.

Delpo still has not caught up with Tipsy even though for a while now I have felt there was an air of inevitability in this one. Tipsy has a hard first round but if he gets through that, then maybe this is one tournament where he can try to regain some ground as Delpo is not known for his grass court wizardry.

Verdasco, the current #16, is provisionally at #15 and Monfils who does not play this year is thus guaranteed to drop out of top 15.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 10/7/12

There's only one Polish Guy!

posted on 10/7/12

And one Czech guy!

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 10/7/12

There's only one Polish Guy!
This Wimbledon will be remembered for Polish guy, Czech guy. Fed and Andy

And Kate Middleton

posted on 10/7/12

C'mon tmf, be poetic and tell us WHY Kate?

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 10/7/12


nitb I am not that good at poetry,
as it not my territory,
still I would try and say,
watch the video at 1:16 and
admire the beauty,
it is awesome simply.

posted on 10/7/12

OK, tmf, I understand.....still, allow me:

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861):

My Kate

She was not as pretty as women I know,
And yet all your best made of sunshine and snow
Drop to shade, melt to nought in the long-trodden ways,
While she's still remembered on warm and cold days--
My Kate.

Her air had a meaning, her movements a grace;
You turned from the fairest to gaze on her face;
And when you had once seen her forehead and mouth,
You saw as distinctly her soul and her truth--
My Kate.

Such a blue inner light from her eyelids outbroke,
You looked at her silence and fancied she spoke;
When she did, so peculiar yet soft was the tone,
Though the loudest spoke also, you heard her alone--
My Kate.

I doubt if she said to you much that could act
As a thought or suggestion; she did not attract
In the sense of the brilliant or wise; I infer
'Twas her thinking of others made you think of her--
My Kate.

She never found fault with you, never implied
Your wrong by her right; and yet men at her side
Grew nobler, girls purer, as through the whole town
The children were gladder that pulled at her gown--
My Kate

None knelt at her feet confessed lovers in thrall;
They knelt more to God than they used--that was all;
If you praised her as charming, some asked what you meant,
But the charm of her presence was felt when she went--
My Kate.

The weak and the gentle, the ribald and rude,
She took as she found them, and did them all good;
It always was so with her--see what you have!
She has made the grass greener even here with her grave--
My Kate.

My dear one! -- when thou wast alive with the rest,
I held thee the sweetest and loved thee the best:
And now thou art dead, shall I not take thy part
As thy smiles used to do for thyself, my sweet Heart --
My Kate.

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 10/7/12

Elizabeth Barrett

This one deserves poetry too

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 10/7/12

You did not like my poetry

posted on 10/7/12

yes, there's so much loveliness in Wimbledon, It's a very special, magical place.
I wish I could have a tiny hut there to live in during the two weeks, I could write a book of wonderful poems

posted on 10/7/12

The links?
I did. Esp the second one....One of these days I may find time to put some of those pictures into words

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