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Browse: Tennis  Wimbledon 
Article Rating 3 Stars

Andy Murray can bring BRITAIN the greatest

glory in decades. Andy Murray is the favorite to win! British glory awaits!

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 7/7/12


posted on 7/7/12

Why can't they make English players good enough to win grand slams? The hope of a nation rests on a Scots man.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 7/7/12

Peerless, It's a scots man this year, will be someone else another year, why try and start arguments, why not just enjoy?

posted on 7/7/12

Whats with all this "Britain" and "British" claptrap that is being banded about ???

posted on 7/7/12

When it comes to sport the English are only good at those that revolve around the endurance of great levels of suffering since that's what our culture revolves around. It's basically an extension of standing in queues or traveling on public transport and the 'mustn't grumble' attitude that goes with it. I.e. rowing, long distance running, cycling. . . er, rowing. Did I mention rowing? When it comes to skill, exuberance, flamboyance, we come last.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 7/7/12

Torville & Dean

posted on 7/7/12

There goes my theory. I must have suppressed that memory.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 7/7/12

It's no coincidence that we are good at sports where you sit down. It's probably derived from people in our country being reluctant to go outside and instead sit down indoors and watch the TV or play video games.

posted on 8/7/12

I am surprised that no-one has mentioned that brilliant ATHLETE, Jocky Wilson!

posted on 8/7/12

Scotland's andy murray has come up short

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