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Touch and Talent: Are they linked?

Tennis players in the history of the game have been known to be of the "talented" type as soon as they were able to control a pacy ball by caressing it while placing it generally just on the other side of the net: the drop shot.

McEnroe, Nastase, Pecci and Panatta amongst many others but now we have Federer, Murray, Djokovic and Nadal often using the drop shot, trying to add that shot to their arsenal as players tend to stand further back behind the base line.

In fact I suspect Murray built his "talent" reputation at the early stage of his career while using if not abusing the drop shot to compensate for some fitness issues.

So is for you the "touch" game a proof of talent?

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 12/7/12

Real tigress on the court.................................................................................................................NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT <LAUGH>

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 12/7/12

I did not address where one needs the ball to impact the frame while executing a drop shot. But very briefly, when trying to kill the energy of the ball, you need to get the ball slightly off teh center of frame (starting typically at 6oclock) and make it roll across towards 12'. it's during this fraction of second while the ball hits the strings that a player takes as much energy needed to let the ball drop just on the other side of the net.

It is known that lower tension gives you less control, however all "touch" players play with low tension to allow the strings to absorb that ball's energy and get that extra split second to control it.

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 12/7/12

Has Murray's touch improved in proportion with his beefing up?
I should....even if he probably plays less of them now.

posted on 12/7/12

"I did not address where one needs the ball to impact the frame while executing a drop shot."

That't too advanced for me, I do everything instinctively.
I wish I had years of proper coaching
Never mind, I'll get "there"

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 12/7/12

That't too advanced for me, I do everything instinctively.
Same here. It should not prevent you to analyse your instincts.

posted on 12/7/12


posted on 12/7/12

Drop-shot is a sign of talent!

posted on 14/7/12


Really good topic and really good insights.

Why is nobody commenting on this great topic ?
Ahh.. I so much want to, but too much loaded with work. I can only read posts from you people atm.

posted on 14/7/12

I didn't get chance to see lot of touch and feel players. Often Jony Mac is said to be one of the best. The current players and even the upcoming ones can't have much of it. One reason as I see it is dominant baseline play, and the DHBH. A DHBH is not built for such play.

I see Feli Lopez has great touch at nets.

posted on 14/7/12


good to see you are still "alive"

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