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Death of tennis in Britain?

Those outside of Britain might not realise that we are experiencing the wettest summer on record, in fact large areas of Britain have experienced flooding, road/rail closures, power failures and there has also been some loss of life.

This is due to a shift in the Jet stream moving further south and these weather conditions are expected to remain for a number of weeks at least.

Scientists do not know why this occurred and there is no man made way to suddenly change this.

Insurers predict this will be a regular occurrence from now on and expect a 4 fold increase in the effect over the next 20 years.

How does this affect tennis in Britain?

Well, the majority of tennis in britain is played outdoors and there is a shortage of affordable indoor tennis facilities that are needed to increase the talent pool from which to develop players.

With worsening weather conditions some clubs are struggling to get any tennis in and there are backlogs on matches and a drop off in new adult members coming on board.

Additionally, Wimbledon is supposed to be an outdoor slam.

If weather conditions continue to worse, is there a possibility of Wimbledon transforming itself to an indoor Slam?

Is there a chance that another country would attempt to offer an outdoor alternative grass Slam to Wimbledon (UAE, China)? If they offered quadruple the prize money for example would there be much resistance amongst players?

Whilst I don't think these things are probabilities, they are possibilities.....blame it on the weather!

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 18/7/12

Which club? Fees normally drop in September, is that why then?

posted on 18/7/12

no, that's when they have the next induction session available, I missed the one on Monday..

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 18/7/12

Induction session? Can't you just join and play?

posted on 18/7/12


comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 18/7/12

That is crazy, which club is it?

posted on 18/7/12

I'm not telling you

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 18/7/12

Don't know why, but fair enough.

posted on 18/7/12

why do you want to know?

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 18/7/12

Because you keep talking about your club and I was curious to know which one it was, no big deal really.

posted on 18/7/12

it's the one where they still have only Nadal's Federer's and a tiny one of Murray picture on the notice board. I am about to change it

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