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Nadal- bad times are here now

Getting away with everything until now but it might soon be over. Grabbing the bull by the balls Jim Courier.

U.S. Davis Cup captain Jim Courier tells TENNIS.com that when the United States travels to Spain for their Davis Cup semifinal in September, he will not concede to Rafael Nadal's compulsive on-court routines when it affects American players. One of Nadal’s habits is that he will not get off his chair until his opponent does so.

"I’ve never see anyone do that to him. He is always the last off the bench," Courier said at Stanford's Bank of the West Classic, where he defeated Michael Chang in an exhibition. "I have nothing but respect for Rafa; I love the way he plays, I love the way handles his business, but if I'm coaching against him. I’m not letting my player get up until he gets up. It’s as simple as that. He’s got to know that this is not his court, it’s our court. Those are tactics."—Matt Cronin

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 14/7/12

Pizza, nadull is not playing Davis cup anyway. I think this was meant to be a banter from jim.

But Nadal's antics are really annoying. Tell me who wipes their legs for sweat????

posted on 14/7/12

OK on this point I agree with you!

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 14/7/12

TNT, are you sure its sweat?

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 14/7/12

Could have been water??

posted on 14/7/12

I will definitely take that as a compliment,if making a stand for ethics and integrity labels me a hater so be it,I will proudly wear that label
Where you fail miserably is your inability to grasp that no true fan of the game would ever support a player who cheats,breaks the rules and seeks an unfair advantage every possible chance he gets,because no athlete is above the game for a true fan.If you were truly a fan of the game,not just a fan of a particular player you would be just as disgusted as many others are when they see such disgraceful sportsmanship,the fact that you're not speaks volumes
The best part has to be how you attack me for voicing it,Im not the one who did anything wrong,I didn't break the rules,cheat,lie or fake injuries but yet the blame clearly lies with me for highlighting it rather then the offender.You also cant blame me for my opinion of Nadal,he has made it impossible for me to support him,you want to change my opinion-go complain to El Toro

If you want to defend such behaviour by all means go ahead but don't expect the rest to follow suit,and don't moan if anyone judges a book by its cover,you're defending tactics which are fundamentally wrong in the spirit of sport,so theres not much left to conclude

If what Nadal does is so innocent why is Jim Courier talking about it and trying to do something about it?
He is hardly the first person to complain about Nadals unacceptable behaviour,at least give him credit for trying to do something about it
If you disagree because you say so,I will let you have this one because regardless of that main the point you're missing is that Nadal is not special,he isn't entitled to special exclusive privileges neither is he above the game,the rules of the game applies to everyone including him,case closed
Theres no room for divas in tennis,if you want to fly the flag and be a diva fanboy switch over to RuPauls drag race

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 14/7/12

Where has nadal cheated?

posted on 14/7/12

You are from India Vee-Jay and you are talking about ethics?A country which has killed about 100000 innocent civilians in Kashmir!

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 15/7/12

Not sure tennis board on ja606 is right place to discuss those sorts of issues.

posted on 15/7/12

LMAO...didnt you just preach to me about not judging a book by its cover? Perhaps you shouldn't give others advice you obviously cannot take on board yourself

To answer your question,no Im not from India,neither am I of Asian decent
I still don't understand the point you're trying to make,defending one wrong by pointing the finger at another wrong and blaming Indian citizens who most likely are completely innocent for the crimes you've mentioned just because they were born in India?? Did I get that right?
Its like me blaming you for slavery just because ( I assume) you're British.Is that really fair?
The biggest flaw in your comment has to be that fact that 2 wrongs don't make a right,but I guess you didn't know that
It seems like your perception of right and wrong is clouded by your lack of moral clarity
I do find it funny that you find some kind of relation between Nadals poor sportsmanship and horrific genocide crimes,otherwise why come up with the comparing defence?At least you're admitting the what he does is wrong,I just never thought you'd think its on par with murder,I guess in reality there are no "white/grey" wrongs
So why are you defending such behaviour while indirectly admitting that you know its ethically wrong?

posted on 15/7/12

dammnnn dis shiiiit is whackkk

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