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Long Run...

Long Run has been given an official rating of 182.

What do the ja606 folk think of this?

posted on 24/5/11

I'm not really into ratings and just go by what I see.
For my money Long Run is as good as Kauto Star was at his best, at least over 3 miles plus. Of course Kauto was more of an all-rounder, winning top races over shorter distances. He used that speed to devastating affect to kill off a three mile race in a matter of strides - Long Run does not quite have that in his armour but I still think it would have been a great race if the 2 had met at their peak, which did not happen in the GC of course.

I hope Long Run stays at the top for another three years and then we can really judge him against the best of the past.

comment by (U5518)

posted on 27/5/11

id say hes a bit underrated but then the handicapper said he should run in the hennesey to bolster his rating so perhaps the handicapper thinks he may have underrated Long Run. i dont think hes quite got the stamina yet to be quite considered as good as Kauto Star in his prime but that will come. though hasnt he been rated at 185?

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