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The New Season Cometh

On the other Palace sites the question of expectation for the coming season has been asked. I thought I would post here so that 606ers could put their tuppence ha'penny in.
Obviously a bit of time yet before the big kick off but not much of it if we intend to bring in the several key players that we need to consolodate further. At the moment I think we are weaker than when we were in free-fall for the second half of the season so there is much to be done. Of the recent activity, I am not sure if Wilbrahim is the man to get our goals regularly but Baxter sounds as though he could be a good aquisition.Ward sounds as though he will fill Clynne's position well too.
I don't think it bodes for a doom and gloom scenerio just yet as the squad is pretty much average for the division and still will be with a few more signings. I think the tactics need sprucing up with a bit more ambition to go forward and this will see around a mid table/lower finish. Any talk of a play off tilt is way off the radar for me.
The fact that KG,Easter, Dorman and Wright are still here are big negatives so far as I'm concerned as they are not good enough for this division and certainly shouldn't be near any team with promotion aspirations. Paddy having been given a three year deal seems wrong as well. Just not good enough and a big liabilty at times and will be exposed now for not having a Gardiner, Tunchev or Mc Shane to steady him.
So to recap, mid/lower and will possibly bow out of cups at an early stage as this was used as an excuse for our poor second half form.
Am still not convinced that the management knows enough about managing to do better than this.

posted on 8/8/12

Technically he is a free agent but I think you are right he is more or less a Gers player now. Shame as he did well for us.

Haha well this is what I said. Not only is Bullard a trouble maker I think he was on some stupid money there too. Ellington would have been interesting about 3 seasons ago but he has slowed down a bit but he can still find the net.

We got Swindon tonight which should be a good test for us...be interesting to see the team that gets fielded...

posted on 9/8/12

I see Chelsea are after Victor Moses- does anyone know if there was a sell on clause when we sold him to Wigan?

posted on 9/8/12

Yeah we do. The club haven't said exactly but it seems to be 10% of the profit that Wigan make on him.

Not long now! I had my season ticket arrive yesterday and the sun has been shining ever since

posted on 9/8/12

Yes we have- rumour has it 10-20% on the profit of the sale. Looks like we could land between £1-2m depending which would be a nice wedge for the club.

Haha I agree mate- mine came yesterday...so glad they included a fixture list this time! Looks pretty cool. Roll on Watford!

posted on 9/8/12

Yeah hopefully they have a big full size fixture list like last year so I can stick it up at work. I work in Croydon with Man Utd and Chelsea fans *spit* so it's good to rub in that I support my local team and actually care about my football club!

I had one Man Utd fan say to me he had the chance to go on holiday to Dublin or Manchester and chose Dublin because "Manchester, why would I want to go there?"

I always remember that when you get some PL loving football fan trying to make me feel bad about supporting Crystal Palace

posted on 9/8/12

LOL I get that here all the time working in the City.

Even the West Ham fans were giving it large last season despite being in the same league as us...go figure that one out.

My employer is GAC biggest customer and such I get to go the executive box all inclusive a few times a year as the marketing Director knows I am Palace...left last time pisssed as a bloomin' matress on that Palace Ale was a right laugh. We beat Brizzle 1-0 last year- late penalty if I recall! Going to a few games this year, but in honesty the atmosphere was a bit stale compared to the Holmesdale!

posted on 9/8/12

Something that gets me is that some of these fans never really experience a proper rivalry. I've got mates who might support Utd and Liverpool or Spurs and Arsenal and they tease each other but if the other wins they just shrug it off. I never really understood the Brighton rivalry until I went to one of the games and there was no way I was going to let Palace lose! And certainly wouldn't just shrug it off!

I'm sure some of the guys who were around in the 70s/ 80s must know what that rivalry was really like. I think it was Hastings that said fights would break out during the game

posted on 9/8/12

Where I am I have probably met as many Palace fans as I have weeds.They tend to be old school weed and I don't see hardly any kids in B'ton shirts out and about. A lot of the young uns say they support the usual prem big boys but have never been North of Tunbridge Wells. A bloke (aged 50 odd) in our pub supports Liverpool but couldn't tell me who their manager was last season or even one player!
It was me that mentioned how bad things used to be playing the Dolphins as they were in the 70's and a few other older ones posted their memories somewhere on here.It could be a bit frightening at times because it wasn't just a bit of bravado and posturing say like Millwall do to us when the whistle blows to start the game.These days the police are generally there in the middle but it wasn't always like that.
One game down at the Goldstone I was on one of the sides as the away end was chocca with Palace. When the ref blew to start, a ruck started in the B'ton end and the Palace, literally 100s from the away end ran across the pitch to take their end. There was loads of stuff like that.What pride .
But very silly nowadays obviously

posted on 13/8/12

Looks like the Bullard rumour may have some substance..he just been released by Ipswich...

posted on 14/8/12

I heard some stories and "bit frightening" doesn't quite do it justice! But then again the whole of the 70s seemed a bit frightening.

Last season I was with my mate and we were stopped by some Millwall fans trying to intimidate me. I don't know why they chose me to pick on because out of the 2 of us I'm the kickboxing instructor! One of them was just making a racket coming up to me shouting "F'King Palace, we're Millwall, I'm going to f'king knock you out!" blah blah. Words don't hurt me, I get much worse when I'm doing kickboxing. As he got closer he obviously realised his mistake and quickly walked away. By the time he got back to his mates he shouted "that's what I thought" and hurried away. Just some Danny Dyer wannabes watching too many Guy Richie films! I don't promote violence but the reality is if people want to fight then they will always find others to fight but don't pick on random strangers who just want to support their football team and have a good time because you never know who you'll run into. Like you said very silly!

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