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Article Rating 3 Stars

Rooney dropped

RVP starts.

Fantastic news

posted on 25/8/12

Sir Alex is deciding not to take a risk on a not-so-fully fit player.


Exactly - plus RVP must be given his chance as well as kagawa.

posted on 25/8/12

I am a huge rooney fan but something hasnt been right since April. there is no excuse for him not been fit, the important thing is how he will react to being dropped.

posted on 25/8/12

comment by Rooney+RVP+Kagawa :O (U6141)
posted 10 minutes ago
Why the 1 stars?

You're lucky with those imo. I'd give this minus 5 stars if I could!

It's good to have attacking options, but you give the impression that as a United fan you're really excited at your thought that RVP has come straight in from Arsenal and dumped our most productive player for the last few years to the bench, which shows an amazing lack of loyalty and lack of gratitude for everything Rooney has done. It also comes across as yet another United fan article looking to highlight something negative about Rooney.

SAF has dropped or chosen not to play Rooney before for various reasons, even for going out to dinner before a game, so it's hardly like he was getting blindly picked before and RVP has suddenly opened his eyes or given him the bottle to make Rooney work harder which you suggest in a later comment.

Another key point is that Kagawa is the guy playing in Rooney's 4-4-1-1 position not RVP, so SAF has gone for Kagawa over Rooney, and RVP over Welbeck. Based on the Everton game, Kagwas performance in that match, the formation for today, the fact we are at home v Fulham, and probably as important as any RVPs lack of football recently compared to players gone out, he obviously feels this is best for the team.

posted on 25/8/12

Well said Sweet Pea

posted on 25/8/12

Sir Alex is deciding not to take a risk on a not-so-
fully fit player.


Lmao. But he willingly risks he brand new signing who has even played just a half of football compared to the 3 games rooney has, who is not used to the team AND injury prone.

Try a better escuse.

posted on 25/8/12

Doesn't look the best side, but this is usually when United win..

posted on 25/8/12

If we win convincingly, hopefully he'll stay dropped.

posted on 25/8/12

Boom! Wayne who?

posted on 25/8/12

and Rooney comes on in his normal 4-4-1-1 position i.e. in place of Kagawa not RVP.

posted on 25/8/12

u thought Rooney was god the other day now your glad he's dropped

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