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I have just looked on the BBC sports page for league 1 and noticed Di Canio is blaming another player for a defeat, it's Flint's fault this time, lat time it was the goal keeper. Does he not take any responsibility at all for any defeats?

I think he may have a problem later on when the players start to turn off and playing as though they could not care a less.

posted on 6/9/12

I think its a sign of desperation, blaming the players. I don't know of any other manager who itemises the players as DiCanio does. This is man management at its lowest level. Other managers skirt around naming players and take the wrap themselves and then keep it in the dressing room.
Quite simple , he picked the team, he nominated the subs, he fielded four guys who had never pulled on a Town shirt before, he picked the rookies, his team, his choice, his foul-up, he and nobody else should take the wrap.Macca was carp all through the game, but not subbed, why, Wes only lasted 20 minutes on Sunday.
Flint and Ferry, the last players of the Wilson era, so who is next to carry the can for Canio ?

posted on 7/9/12

It seems all on these boards are agreed that PDC's man management has become a serious problem - he's an attention-seeking egomaniac and a bully. Last season: Clarke, Kerrouche, Tehoue. This season has barely started and he's chased off a prize asset in Caddis. Rather than hanging his head in shame and recognising the error, he's immediately pushed his luck with Foderingham, another key player. This week it's Flint copping the flak. PDC won't learn - it's the way he is. While results remain good, he'll get away with it, but if and when things start to get rough, will the dressing-room rally round such a plonker? I don't think so. Where's Wray in all this?? He should be bringing PDC to heel.

One final thought....what would PDC the manager think of PDC the player? Often absent from away games, altercations with team-mates, shoving a ref, sitting down on the pitch and demanding to be substituted when his penalty claims were turned down. Look in the mirror Paolo...

posted on 7/9/12

I, personally, don't like the man. Now that's not to say much because there have been a few Town managers in nearly 50 years that I didn't like.
This one though, actually makes me feel a bit ashamed to be a supporter. If you go to the Adver site, a load of people think that the sun shines out of his backside. They have their opinion & a right to it. IMO, he has been given leave to sign whoever he wants, made a lot of mistakes there & upset a lot of valuable players.
But,HE has to be right. Hitler is his role model.
Any player to criticise is sent to the gulags.
The club is better than that. If not, then I'm going to desert the ship after all these years & go & watch Oadby Town.

posted on 7/9/12

Thanks Ron for initiating this debate, 5 stars for that.

There's a real consensus here, JR needs to intervene, and quickly!

posted on 7/9/12

JW not JR!,

posted on 7/9/12

All we need is JR getting involved! Him & Pdc would make high Noon look like a picnic.

posted on 7/9/12

Some good balanced thoughts here, obviously from mostly mature supporters who have been there and seen it all before. Bit of a shame that many of the totally brain washed souls on The Adver forum don't see through the act which has beguiled so many for so long.

Red, I'd love to know the thoughts of Bassett on all of this, blimey we would all be on the floor laughing.

posted on 8/9/12

I can reduce the tone. The mention of Bassett & the thought of what he once offfered to do to me makes my eyes water!
We could do with Mondy tho', to keep the standards up.
On a different subject, are any of you getting problems with Swindon Player since the Town website was changed? I am. Wednesday was OK, but the last 2 weekend games, I couldn't access it.
Here in Leicester, suffering from poverty & flat feet, I can't get to many games so rely on the commentaries.

posted on 8/9/12


It appears that many subscribers are having problems with "Player".

Last week I logged on to Bantam's Player to listen to Watford v Bradford City and the feed was a Stevenage match.Eventually the correct commentary started.So, having read other comments regarding non-functioning Player I contacted the press and media official at City.

Here is the gist of his reply:-" Unfortunately, as you pointed out, we cannot control the commentary service that Bantam's Player provides.I think,if truth be told,a number of other clubs have been suffering on their own individual "Player" services.

We as a group of Football League clubs continue to pester and bother the service providers for"Player"about the issues that have been affecting the system recently.

I hope, with the help of League clubs ,any problems can be ironed out as soon as possible".

If Swindon Player continues to give you hassle I suggest you contact the club.

All the best

posted on 8/9/12

Thanks Bantam,
Unfortunately, when you are having problems, ie last Sunday, there ain't anyone there to answer.
I sent emails to player 3 times last sunday, & all I got was the same message saying that a customer representative would be in contact shortly. That didn't happen that day. It did on the monday, a message telling me to change the settings on my computer & pick a different browser, whatever that is! I replied to that & got the same computerised message about contact.
Why the hell did it work before? I haven't changed anything at my end.
I asked to talk to a human being on the phone to sort it out, but they say that they have no telephone communications. Odd, that, when they can call me to say that my subscription is due.

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