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Next up Bournemouth

Well after our win at Portsmouth, which we nearly gave away in the last ten minutes, how do you fancy our chances against Bournemouth.

Any suggestions on the team sheet would be welcome,

I would go,

Wes in goal

Across the back, right to left,

Thompson, Flint, Macca, McEveley

Middle R to L

Ritchie, Ferry, Bostock, RDV


Collins, Williams

Archibald-Henville, Bessone, Coke, Adam Rooney, Benson, Devera

I'll settle for a point right now against a competent forward line, the back line I have chosen is proven mostly from the back end of last season admittedly against lesser teams than those in L1. I would also not hesitate in subbing either forward with Benson, Roberts only makes the bench as he took a knock last night. Bostock in there to mix things up and cause havoc with their defence, he frightens defenders with his runs and has a useful foot of his own and has the ability to score goals. Ferry, the endless worker to master midfield and boss things where he can.

posted on 19/9/12


Consider this, they are the last of the Wilson/Fitton era, and Canioman says in his book how he hates and despises Waffler Wilson, am I making a point here ???

Maybe yes/maybe no, but I don't think I'm far away.

posted on 19/9/12

SF, I ain't read his book, I find his posts on the site barely comprehensible. So I bow to your knowledge. But, I do think that I can judge whether a player is decent or not. These two are good enough to play in this league. If he doesn't like them because he didn't sign them himself, then wants to bring in more loanees to replace them, then he has gone down in my estimation. The guy has these good players already, why try & put them off, then have to find replacements?

posted on 19/9/12

I think both Ferry and Flint are good skillful servants of STFC. That said Ferry is either a sub, or is subbed during the game. We play better with him for sure.
As goes Flint, its another big step up this season. Last season he did well, as did all our back four. This season calls for more player skill, experience and so on. Flints weak point is his distribution which is a lot better than what it was. He has been held accountable for a couple of goals by Canioman, but then again the rest of the back four have been no better.
Macca has been woeful this season compared to last and yet he seems to attract very little open comment from Canioman.
Jaycleverly is also a bit below the par we saw of him last season, but as with all our players they are now playing against better organised sides with more skilful players, most of whom have a season or two's experience in this league. I think we have been lulled into a false sense of improvement from last nights game, we were up against a club who are up against it in more ways than one. My overall conclusion is Canioman has seriously under estimated the skill level in L1 and the attributes of the canny managers found there and their tactics. Indeed last evening we flattered to deceive, are we really that good, well against a side made up of "who-ever-was-available-at-the-right-price-with-a-point-to-prove", and they stole a goal back due to us going to sleep after 80 minutes, hmmmmmmm.
I think Saturday could see more booing if Bournemouth come and give us a hard game which I think they will, and we play like we did against Orient.

posted on 20/9/12

In haste!






Rooney A

posted on 20/9/12

Above, good selection.

posted on 20/9/12

Just realised I've left out Benson! Delete Navarro insert Benson (well, we are at home!)

posted on 20/9/12

Don, you rascal, thats cheating LOL !!!!

posted on 21/9/12

Don, I know that it has been done before, but I still think it risky not to have a 'keeper on the bench.

posted on 21/9/12

Canioman often doesn't bother with a keeper on the bench, risky or what ?

posted on 21/9/12

He did v Preston! I would always have a keeper on the bench. they are the most vulnerable players to injuries & in that position you need a specialist, whereas outfield players can fit in anywhere & do some sort of job. And, in our present case, Bedders needs to be part of the squad & get experience, not be left back home.
If we were to go 6-0 up, Inshallah! I would give him some game time, even if it might upset Wes a bit.

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