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Arsenal 7-0 Middlesbrough

Our defence that day was

How did they not score?!? HOW??!

posted on 11/10/12

Back then our defence was solid, and I mean solid. The CL run proved it. If we could defend with them players, why not with the better ones we have now? Individually they were crap, as a unit, amazing. This one is opposite.

We also got carried by Henry attacking wise, what a legend.

posted on 11/10/12

Senderos was good, just not against the very best. Not sure what it was, concentration perhaps?

posted on 11/10/12

How did they not score?!? HOW??!

We had Lauren and Senderos holding the fort

posted on 11/10/12

I think Senderos lost confidence. I think he was chosen ahead of Campbell in 2005 cup final.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 11/10/12

this was only a few months after we pumped Everton 7-0 as well, good times

comment by Ocelots (U3893)

posted on 11/10/12

I second Gunnerbegood's point, I remember the first few times I saw Senderos play I thought he was going to turn out good, but then he just kinda stopped getting any better and started making silly mistakes. It's a shame...

posted on 11/10/12

I was at both 7 nils! I only went to about 6 games that year. Its a shame I am a lucky charm no more.

posted on 11/10/12

Senderos was always very good when he had to run the back 4.
He has a very good defnsive brain and is a beast of a man.
Alongside Djorou, who is a very good athlete ( and a much better defender than a lot of people seem to give him credit for lately ), he could be the senior CB, dictate how they played and make sure he wasn't exposed.
His problems came when he was expected to be dictated to. Big Phil isn't the quickest, so when he was the junior partner at CB ( as he tended to be with Toure/Gallas ) and was being told where to run and when and was expected to cover massive spaces behind because we defended so high, his lack of pace/mobility was exposed.
I also think he came to the club a few years too late. Adams / Keown were gone and the main CB pairing was Toure & Gallas. Arsene was phasing out the big imposing CB at Arsenal and replacing them with quick footballing defenders. The senior players Senderos had to learn from were from a completely different mould to him and we played a style that didn't really play to his strengths . If he had a few years as undertsudy to Adams / Keown ( big strong players who defended first and played football second ) we would probably hold him in much higher regard.

posted on 15/10/12

Hey Boro fan here, also like the Arsenal.

TBH - I think we had one of our lets let a lot of goals in days and shot shy days.

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