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What a night - GSP v Condit

Some great fights on show the other night.

That Garza v Hominick fight was brilliant to watch. 2 fighters going at it, great to see.

The Hendricks KO no matter how many times I see this guy he still shocks me at just how powerful he must be.

Then we have the GSP where the only interesting part of the fight was when Condit nearly KO'd him with the headkick. The rest was typical GSP boredom. I like the guy but my word hes some boring to watch, I was hoping Condit would beat him but never really expected it.

Overall tho a good night of UFC.

posted on 20/11/12

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posted on 21/11/12

Messia, I'm surprised you found GSP boring. I admit his fights can sometimes get that way, but I found this one utterly absorbing. Yeah he still spent the majority of time on top of Condit, but there was always stuff happening. Really enjoyed it.

And Hendricks' power is just frightening...

posted on 21/11/12

It's just a personal thing Phil just a little disappointed condit lost im a fan of his. Gsp just bores me.

posted on 21/11/12

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posted on 21/11/12

Could you imagine how that would go tho Vik? Not a chance GSP would ever risk standing with him for a second. Whats hendricks like on the ground?

posted on 21/11/12

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posted on 21/11/12

That is some left hand! My word

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