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Anything original for the new season?

Just wondering if City fans had any of their own ideas for the new season,i.e, a goal celebration not copied from Europe or their own way of wearing a scarf?

Your views....

posted on 28/7/11

We copied him personally? Are you for real? Please feel free to list the various acceptable ways to wear a scarf then and I'll pass them on to the supporters club.

I really have heard it all now, 'team of mercinaries', 'ruining football', 'no class', 'no style', but congrats, you've trumped them all, 'copied how to wear a scarf'.

Also, I think you are a little confused as to how to practically apply sarcasm and irony in conversation.

posted on 28/7/11

... As I said earlier, an example of 'irony' is you posting an article complaining that we lack originality, but then regurgitate the same bile about copying the Poznan, that we've heard all season.

I can only hope that you are being sarcastic when you say that the way some fans wear their scarfs is some sort of crime.

posted on 28/7/11


posted on 28/7/11

Grated,at last you get it....youtube your stolen goal celebration,pick a winterish game,look at the vast majority of scarf wearing fans,look at Mancini....de derr...a collective of,ahem,excuse my sarcasm as a Rams fan,sheep.

posted on 28/7/11

Give over you eejit, as far as I know there's two normal ways to wear a scarf, like Mancini, or wrapped around. Since I do the latter, I've already proved your insane theory wrong. Now go back to taking acid or whatever you are clearly doing to come up with such a ridiculous article.

posted on 28/7/11

Grated, you are so funny,bless and thank you ( more sarcasm here pal) you are ALL puppets,you know it.....like puppets you all dsnce to the same tune.

Get googling thicko

posted on 28/7/11

Whatever, I've wasted enough time on this thread.

Farewell oh master of irony, or was that master of sarcasm, or are they the same thing? Have I got my scarf on properly, I'm not sure? What day is it?

posted on 28/7/11

Glad to see you comply Grated.....it proves my point,you are all sheep like followers...oh, here's a thought, come and follow the Rams....you will recognise us, we all have crappy tracksuits on like our manager and if we score we do the Macarena!

posted on 28/7/11

get googling thicko

posted on 28/7/11

comment by Ruberyram (U7460)

posted 1 day, 3 hours ago

Yousawme....bless you...look at you 606 name....hardly original is it,therefore set against ,my original post it can be viewed as ironic,and indeed sarcastic.

You'll never be one of the intelligentia will you.



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