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o/t ..flag protest next week in dublin!

after the love ulster parade a few years back where mindless knuckledraggers tore up the center of dublin , i just read that the charming lovable willy frazer is planning on bringing the dispute down to the great streets of dublin...

one question ? why ...what the hell do want with the bull-sheeeit from up north .
dont theese people realise that we live side by side and in peace down here and we have enough problems on the money front....

talk about asking for trouble on both sides ....

comment by (U11421)

posted on 11/1/13

Honest and qualification-free post from Alex.I have a family member who , at a cost, ensured that " their" Union Flag flew in defense of freedom,, he's at one with " the majority of Protestants who are not supporting these so called peaceful protests" .
On a lighter note, i'll step over the welome to 73 mat and lament the absence of a great squad of local lads such as was at The Bridge in 73.Paddy Mulligan may have lost the side burns, but he's still a dapper gent.

posted on 11/1/13

Truly exasperating stuff Alex! The minority of ignorant and angry few ruining their own neighbourhoods in the name of supposedly depending their culture??? Is this the most ridiculous protest in the history of the troubles? These people need to travel and see the world beyond their front door, amazing that this s appending in 2013!!! Take care and stay safe

posted on 12/1/13

ive already said before ..alex tia is a decent nordie like many other protestants up north.
the whole thing is so ridiculous ......over a bloody flag ...these people are driving away shoppers and damaging what reputation you have .
i was gonna drive up to belfast with mrs before christmas to do a bit of shopping , i thought things had changed..but it hasnt changed one bit ......

comment by AlexTia (U7067)

posted on 12/1/13

Cheers guys , i know we bicker and wind-up each other at times but its only footie related (most of the time). Wouldn't wish this on anybody.

More riots/protests expected tonight and already there has been a bomb scare in Belfast this afternoon. This all needs sorted before the "silly season" (marching season) or tensions will get 10 times worse.

I love NI and the people are 99% friendly , its idiots like these guys that are tarnishing what we all have wanted and worked hard for - peace.

posted on 12/1/13

I lived up north for 3 years back in my college days! Made some great mates from both ends of the communities. In my first year two girls shared in the room next to me, best mates in college but each from opposite sides of the divide in Derry and both would openly say that if they saw each other at home in Derry amongst their friends from home they'd pretend not to know each other??? It seems the ghetto tribal mentality is the root of all problems where reasonably minded folk seem to lose their rationale when back in their enclaves under pressure from the hardliners. Here we have loyalists attacking the civil authorities who protect the institutions they claim to be loyal to hospitalising 80 police in the process. Dissident republicans must be cracking open the popcorn loving it whilst police resources are redirected away from extremists hell bent on destroying NI as a society!

comment by AlexTia (U7067)

posted on 13/1/13

You couldn't make it up Len. Everybody has a right to protest , that i agree with. But it's now past that stage. Thugs are using it to whip up the protesters , not on the street corners but through a new medium available. Facebook/Twitter/Social Media. The amount of vile sectarian language from both sides on this medium is shocking. But people hide behind computers , i wish the PSNI would prosecute these people. Wouldnt be hard to do. And if they have jobs, i swear i hope their employers are watching their accounts.

PSNI are no angels though, there has been a few occasions , caught on cameras , that they have been very heavy handed without reason at some peaceful protests. Doesnt help the situation one bit.

Your right Len , tribal mentality is everywhere here and i honestly thought my generation or the next generation would have been wise to this sort of trouble. Think im wrong. People are still being brainwashed by their families,friends and by propaganda from both sides.

Wish we could move past this.....

posted on 24/1/13

AlexTia- SuperSkelper

Jumped onto this board for the 1st time in a while.

Alex i agree with everything you have said - i have no time for all of that nonsense

posted on 25/1/13

fair play to ye boys...

i have protestant relations in enniskillen and they are mortified by the protests......

i honestly thought things were moving on up there....

posted on 26/1/13

Lot of half baked prods if you ask me on here.

comment by AlexTia (U7067)

posted on 4/2/13

^^^ Explain , im having a "blonde" moment

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