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Ins & Outs

Midway (Just about) through the transfer window, we have seen the promised movements. Some predicted, some strange, some what the fans wanted etc.

Charlie MacDonald - I am a fan of Charlie but Orient is his level. He was never going to be good enough for us anymore, and Coventry away proved this. He seems very nervous and clearly lacks confidence. Not what we need. He was a tryer, and DID try his best, but sometimes your best is not enough. Overall, if we can get an option in to replace him - Good move.

Jay O'Shea - Suprising for me. As a player who played in our Playoff campaign I found this one very strange. With Chadders out, and nobody experienced enough in the position he plays bar Jay. So this surely means someone must be coming in, to at least cover Chadders and repalce Jay? Overall, in my opinion bad move. But there's clearly a reason behind it.

Ian McLoughlin - Short loan, needs games, big risk but in my opinion worth the risk. With a recall clause, if Dave got injured in the week we have a match-fit keeper at League One level ready to come in and do a job. - Good move.

Izale McLeod - Could go on and on about Izale and repeat everything we've ever said about the guy, proved exactly what Izale McLeod is on Saturday against Bury. hit and miss, literally. I think he'll be good for us in League One but SHOULD we get promoted... He'll basically replicate what we've seen Ibehre/Charlie in League One methinks. - Good move.

Zeli Ismael - I like him, has a passion for the shirt but prone to mistakes and silly decisions but I think he could do a job whilst on loan. He's a tad over rated by our supporters, but overall he gives us something different, a good bit of pace! - Good Move.

Ryan Harley - From the few games I have seen he's certainly not bad, but definatley not amazing. However, he does do a job and has slotted in nicely as if he's been here a while. In the long term (ie rest of the season) I reckon he'll be sufficient cover. - Good Move.

Whoever we get in, and I think we will get at least two more in. They need to be something 'special' or with quality at their feet.
Lets hope Karl has blackmailed PW for funds, or else he'll be off to Blackpool .

posted on 16/1/13

The two we have been linked to and who I would like to see is Bradley Wright-Phillips and Alan Judge. Two worth scouting and possible summer signings are Febian Brandy and Will Grigg.

I would hope we can spend some FA Cup money on the players.

posted on 17/1/13

Grigg has impressed me when I've seen him. Someone said on TCR maybe we could expect another 'big' loanee like Smith was? Maybe BWP? Although I can't see it.

posted on 17/1/13

Have seen BWP a few times for Charlton, always , him to be a lazy player.
Cant see he would have anything to prove, only possible plus is that he will want to perform for his dad.
In my opinion there are two players who we should try to sign, not sure on their contracts though, Clayton Donaldson and Tom Pope.

posted on 17/1/13

Thought O'shea had a lot of skill and could score the odd goal, think he could have done well with a run in the team with Chadwick out.

posted on 18/1/13

SD, we have absolutley no chance with getting either of those!

posted on 18/1/13

The thing is I have been saying we should sign Donaldson even before he went to Brentford.

posted on 18/1/13

But now he's there we don't have a prayer

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