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Vs Wolves

From the mouth of ex-bacon player, now Wolves manager - Dean Saunders.
"It was difficult to play against them. They just bombarded long balls."

Has he seen the football his own team play? They were just terrible, the only football played on the ground was by us! Considering they have an abundance of Premiership experience in the squad, I was shocked at just how limited they were.

For us, I thought Keiran Lee was outstanding, very composed on the ball and worked brilliantly with Buxton. Having 4 fullbacks has been a master stroke by Terry Burton and his assistant.

Definitely 2 points dropped, given the way the game went - but another point is chalked up in our quest for the playoffs.

comment by OvalOwl (U8818)

posted on 22/1/13

Eyup Hemsworth! Stanley Royd!! Memories of Wakey come flooding back, I was dragged up there from age 10 to 18 (freezing my nuts off during games playing rugby at QEGS) and spent a couple of years before that at Hemsworth. <misty eyed>

comment by OvalOwl (U8818)

posted on 22/1/13

Ooops! Is you Hemsworth S14 or Hemsworth WF9?

posted on 23/1/13

WF9 Oval

posted on 23/1/13

Labor Ipse Voluptas

Sons of Yorkshire, lift your voices, joyfully proclaim,
Honour to the School that bred you, glory in its name
Yorkshire's daughters swell the chorus, echo loud your praise,
Hail with song the School that gives you joyful happy days.

Here to-day and gone to-morrow,
Days at School will quickly pass;
Let your work be joy not sorrow;
"Labor ipse voluptas."

comment by OvalOwl (U8818)

posted on 23/1/13

I lived on Elm Road and went to school where the new Tesco is. I remember the bus station on the triangle between Barnsley Road and Market Street.

posted on 23/1/13

That's the old Grammar School Song before it went comprehensive.<mistyeyes>

comment by OvalOwl (U8818)

posted on 23/1/13

Labor Ipse Voluptas? Gi'oer! Since when has work been it own reward? Give me the money!

My school motto was Turpe Nescire, meaning it is a disgrace to be ignorant. Or as we had it, turps and nescafe.

posted on 23/1/13

Our school was too poor to have a motto...etc.

comment by DRY (U3060)

posted on 24/1/13

Our school was a cardboard box and dint have any teachers..

..so no names were called out during registration..

..so yer dint know if yer were there or not

posted on 24/1/13

You went to Trumpton High then,

I remember that register,Pugh,Pugh Barney McGrew,Cuthbert, Dibble,Grub

and Dry.

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