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How much pride?

With all the dealings within mcfc an all the players not wanted on big money I ask, what do you want?

You are not poor men you are not worried about bills like us fans so why stick around, do you want to play or sit around, there are players who want to tow the club line and play for the club, being rich men who are not worried about bills an the normal manutia of the rest of us I ask what do you want? You can still play the game you love apparently so why stick around at city when you will not be able to move the team forward like de Jong Vincent silva Richards yaya hart an so on!

Do you want to play football or are you like they say mercenaries?

I know this will draw in the bitter plebs but shouldn't we ask these questions of these players?

Any idiotic answers will be removed adults only!

posted on 29/7/11

rr Rooney giggs rio, all real moral champions those guys of the pitch


Comments like this don't half wind me up.

It is pointless comparing other players, because I couldn't care less about Giggs, Rio etc. I have my own opinions on them and I didn't ask about then, I asked about Balotelli, so answer the question dammit.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 29/7/11

Talking about ballotelis bad behaviour whilst ignoring your own players indiscretions is a tad hypocritical don't you think!

Balloteli is a grade a plank you will not find many city fans disagreeing with that, my point is what about the players I mentioned from your club?

posted on 29/7/11

Reebok I don't think players can hold the club to ransom at all. Anyone who kicks up a fuss gets shipped out on loan immediately to get them out of the dressing room, and then sold. It started with Robinho and we've seen it with Ade etc.

The club have been pretty strict in that respect, I mean look at the Tevez saga last winter, we were the ones that didn't bend over and waft a new contract under his nose, club policy is not to discuss new contracts until summer, and we stuck to it.

Players don't hold a place down in the team because of their pricetag, if you aren't playing well, you don't play, Lescott, Kolarov, Boateng, Dzeko, Balotelli have all spent time sat on the sidelines due to poor performances. So to say a player could hold the club to ransom, well, I don't believe its happened yet anyway.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 29/7/11

An that is a question for the man u fan, not reebok robot!

posted on 29/7/11

I defended Joey Barton to the hilt when he was a City player because he did the business on the pitch, what he did in his spare time was his affair - The same could be applied to Giggs or Rooney.
When a player is an embarassment both on and off the pitch then there's very little to defend. Apart from a minority of mainly younger City fans, Balotelli is regarded in the football world as a complete jackass and he'll have to have an outstanding season to convince most people otherwise.

posted on 29/7/11

I'm not going to lie, the way he manages to completely and unpredictably out-do the previous thing he has done does impress me on some level. If he has a poor season this year though I'll want him out, I imagine most of the other pros around him find him a little tiresome at the best of times.

posted on 29/7/11

The biggest problem I have with Balotelli is he just doesn't seem interested. It is like playing football is a chore. He just doesn't seem to realise how privileged he is

posted on 29/7/11

"No last time I looked it was still MUFC not MUCP"

Yes and the last time i looked man u won the Premiership Title, the English Championship is a completely different competition or do they play in the Championship too?

posted on 29/7/11

"Yes I saw that team spirit ooze out vs LA with the Balotelli incident."

you must be really struggling now if thats the best you could come up with son.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 29/7/11

not really Super Mario makes it very easy.

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