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WY Police want Town relegated ?

Having read the article in the Examiner last night, it seems this issue over the Sky game against Hull was first discussed in January, some 5-6 weeks ago.

The FL have to provide Sky a match for live screening for at least one game per season for Championship clubs. Sanctions are thus possible against clubs who may may cause a breach in the Sky contract, including, it seems, a 5 points deduction for any club failing to accommodate a Sky game.

WY Police have twice scuppered live Sky games at Town (Cardiff and Leeds), so knew that in also scuppering the Hull game, Town would be at serious risk of a 5 points deduction. But that didn't stop them once again refusing to police the match, and therefor denying the FL and Sky to fulfill their contract.

A secret meeting then took place with town 'begging' the WYP to cover the match and approve the screening of it. I say 'secret meeting', because I dare say no Town fans, and certainly not HTSA knew about this dire situation facing Town, especially as the consequences could almost certainly lead to Town being relegated given our current position.

In the end, the deal was struck, as we now know, and the conditions laid down by WYP to allow the game to go ahead have been well publicised.

Then they were announced to the general public yesterday in a newspaper article in the local rag, by Nigel Clibbens.

Hull City fans' fury, and the Town fans supporting them, was an understandable reaction to what seemed a totally ridiculous state of affairs.

Not only are Hull fans restricted to 1,500, but the game had to be made A* pricing category, had to be made all ticket and away fans had to travel on official coaches from Hull. Town had no option but to accept the demands laid down by WYP. They were backed into a corner by the FL, and the 5 point deduction threat.

It's now a done deal.

What I don't understand is why these situation wasn't revealed to any of the fans of either clubs beforehand. Why were we kept in the dark by HTAFC ?

We are now left with no alternative, no room to contribute or negotiate another deal and despite all the protests, the deal is done. Fans fury must have been guessed by Town in agreeing this deal, but they chose to keep it all quiet until it was all fixed and the game agreed for Sky viewing.

I'm not saying that if the fans had known what the negotiations were about that it would end up any different, but the fans certainly deserved to know, didn't we ?

Why were HTSA not involved, they had no idea what was going on behind the scenes and how inconvenienced both sets of fans were going to be. Why did HTAFC not liaise with the supporters representatives at HTSA ?

As you know, I've harped on before about poor communication between Dean Hoyle and the fans of Town, and I'm afraid this is just another example of the apparent disdain which we are held in. Pressure from the fans may well have yielded a better deal for both sets of fans, but we were not told about any of this until too late.

Even while Twitter went mental on the situation, no one from Town responded in any way...and still haven't. Just the article in the Examiner weeks after the decisions were made.

This total exclusion of fans in any discussions on the games played at the JSS, by HTAFC, is disgraceful, in my opinion, but not surprising considering previous lack of feedback and information from the club.

Town bombard us with Family stuff, sponsors, partners, raffles, shop promotions....etc..but miss the real issues such as this one.

Should Town have made these discussions known and let the fans know the proposals first..rather than just agreeing them and then telling us it's a done deal ?

No wonder the club are quiet about it all, a bit sheepish perhaps...

posted on 22/2/13

Just because the Football League, and the clubs do it, there is absolutely no reason for the West Yorkshire Police to kowtow to Sky Television. The fact that these two outfits regularly put money before anything else is actually a very good reason not to.

I have quoted the views of Alex Ferguson and Arsène Wenger regarding television's hold over football, let me add one by Alan Sugar, former Chairman of Tottenham Hotspur, who said many years ago at a Premier League meeting, "Gentlemen, it doesn't matter whether the television company gives us £3m or £33m, we'll pi$$ it up the wall on wages."

He has described his time at Tottenham as "a waste of my life". Take note, Deano.

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 22/2/13

or maybe ask the majority of tax payers if they would like to pay extra or have a larger slice of the policing budget set aside for football..
they will tell you to f-ck off...quite rightly...the away support numbers all over the country will start getting cut shortly along with the police resources that can be made available..
Cant work out why nobody on here thought that might be the case??? The premier league chairmen and the league chairmen discussed it at length some months ago, maybe they might give a few quid towards it????

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 22/2/13

football banning orders are now becoming much harder to obtain..
the police have worked for a long time on intelligence and being able to put forward cases that were "enough" to obtain them and to "infringe" on peoples right to free association and movement..
200 cases are now going before the european court re the "human rights" infringements of these individuals..
try adding all that bollox to policing a large county on a weekend with rallys on and the usual mayhem and football comes a long way down anyones priorities..
The idea that wyp and humberside should spend a load rounding up groups or individuals in the weeks leading up to games or have "every road and bus station/train station" covered to stop these people coming here or our own berks from meeting up with them is clearly ridiculous.. The plan they have is the best they can with the resources and the "law" ....
people complain about a "state police" and then harp on about stopping groups or indiduals from moving around, you cant have it both ways...

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 22/2/13

it all boils down to finances in the end..
if the force covering the area of a game cannot cover the policing to the standards set then restrictions on the game will apply..
watch it start happening all over the place..
a bike race had its route altered the other week somewhere because the local force couldnt cover a number of junctions and the insurers for the race would not give cover for marshalls to cover those junctions.. its just the start,,,

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 22/2/13

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posted on 22/2/13

I can't be bothered arguing the case against the Police, what's the point, lets just roll over and have our bellies tickled just like our team.

posted on 22/2/13

Oh and when it comes to the tax payer, did anyone ask them if they wanted to pay for a new stadium when we built it? No I didn't think so. The last person anyone considers in these positions of finance are the ruddy tax payers.

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 22/2/13

like i said..just finances..
can see ours and hulls position but also wyp have to keep the costs down.. itll be happening all over the place soon..

posted on 22/2/13

In that case it's Leeds v Derby on the Monday 17:05 KO (a bank holiday) I fully expect the Derby fans to be treat the same way as our friends from Humberside.

posted on 10/3/13


Nope... They are letting them in for £15

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