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Was it a dive or not?

I was at the game last night so didn't have the benefit of slo-mo replays. So simple question to my fellow Spurs fans - was it a dive or not?
BTW we should still win the tie without him as I thought Inter were vulnerable to the counter.

posted on 8/3/13

Let's not try and defend him, it was a blatant dive

tut tut Bale

posted on 8/3/13

There was contact, but he left his leg there hoping for it rather than moving it in a natural way. Don't like to see that, just focus on the ball and if you get fouled then hope the ref makes the right call

posted on 8/3/13

As an ex-player,I can concur it was a dive. We all do it. Blessing in disguise, now he can have the cards wiped out

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 8/3/13

Definite dive, but to be honest it doesn't matter anyway. He's going to miss a probable dead rubber. It is in the papers this morning that, had Bale not been booked for the dive, he'd have told him to get himself booked anyway. Not sure how much truth is in that.

posted on 8/3/13

I'm not sure with this one. There was contact but Bale seemed to actively move towards the defender's challenge. For me it wasn't a penalty but I don't think he should have been booked either.


posted on 8/3/13

It was a dive for me, he saw a challenge coming so went down, I dont get what the big deal is though, IMO watching players hound refs insisting on cards is worse, yet that happens nearly every game .

posted on 8/3/13

Clear dive.

posted on 8/3/13

We have to be honest, it was a dive. 100%.

posted on 8/3/13

yeah definite dive

posted on 8/3/13

You know what, this is what i like about our board, the majority have admitted it was a dive whereas if that had have been Suarez, 99% of the LFC board would have claimed he went down under contact.

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