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Article Rating 4.33 Stars

Things that annoy you!!!

I've got hunners of things that annoy the hell out of me but I'll give you one just now.

When on a dual carriageway when there are roadworks reducing the road to a single lane why do people insist in pulling into the left hand side ages before you reach the roadworks leaving the lane to be closed off empty? When you actually use the empty lane and merge in turn as you are meant too you either get people not letting you in or dirty looks. The worst of it is the signs tell you that merge in turn is ahead and then merge in turn now when you have too.

Really gets me annoyed, not as much as the Rangers defence but that is another article.

What innocuous things annoy you?

posted on 11/3/13

"Blue, luckily fir him you are a pacifist"

Yank bastirts.

Fooking go somewhere warm on your holidays instead of to Scotland. YEEZ AREN'T WELCOME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 11/3/13

I don't mind tourists either. The Americans have bad name but any I have met have been sound but if I was looking through a pro Palestinian stall and a pro US/Israel cant was shouting obscenities at me I'd floor the bassa

posted on 11/3/13

I wasn't even looking through it. I was waiting on my bloody mates who just had to go their. I couldn't give two tosses about bloomin Palestinians.

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 11/3/13

Would you give one toss?

posted on 11/3/13

Nope. Their business, let them get on with it.

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 11/3/13


Anyways, watching mad max here on ITV4..never watched a full mad max, they seem to be Shiite

posted on 11/3/13

People coming up with good articles that get over 200

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 11/3/13

Nimmos looking for you

posted on 11/3/13

He knows where I am

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 11/3/13

He says he knows where you are and where you're going and why you're going there and with whom because he taught you

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