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Great news all!!

Keane is out of the Austria game

posted on 24/3/13

He's a legend, but it's time to move on.

posted on 25/3/13

He's gonna start with Sammon

posted on 25/3/13

*Trap is

posted on 25/3/13

Sammon up front ahead of Doyle, Walters or even Hoolahan?? Clearly being big is simply the only criteria Sammon has over the other 3 experienced and even premiership performers. Trap is a throw back to the crazy gang or George Graham years!!!!!!!! Old donkey geriatric is stuck in a time wrap but absolutely nothing he does ever surprises me coz he's a daft senile clown!!

posted on 25/3/13

I find that quite surprising myself, but I'm prepared to give Sammon a chance and see what he can do- although I'd have picked Walters.

posted on 25/3/13

Why do we criticise Trap for including Keane and get angry about Doyle not being included?

Its not like Doyle's done anything special in the Championship this year with a team struggling at the bottom. Sammon even has a better scoring record than him at the moment! I know Doyle can be a good player for us but if we are meriting selection on form i don't see why Doyle should be picked

posted on 25/3/13

Nah, I dont think Doyle deserves to be picked... Think Hoolahan would be a better option behind Long or Walters up top with Brady on the wing.

Good Luck to Sammon though.

posted on 25/3/13

I'm only criticised the Keane selection because he plays in the US, meaning he hasn't played for a while.

I'd pick Walters ahead of both Doyle and Sammon right now.

posted on 25/3/13


Come back Keano, alls forgiven

posted on 27/3/13


Good old Fishy

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