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Cena Owned Again

After watching this weeks Raw we've finally had a decent promo for Rock Vs Cena 2. I've no problem with Rock holding the belt, I've no problem with him showing up occaisionally whilist he makes movies. He doesn't have to be with WWE period, he's too good for all this nonsense now and he's earned his spurs years ago.

What I have a problem with is a match nobody wants apart from WWE Management and Cena. Cena will never turn, it should've happened years ago but his child like character means big bucks for WWE and little kids love him. This match for him will be career defining, if he doesn't turn now to win the title then his legacy is set in stone. For the sake of your own sanity and everyone elses John, CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER.

There is NO WAY he'll win clean. The crowd will rightfully boooooo the stadium down with 'boring' and 'bu115 h1t' chants the likes of which we've never experienced before. Vince can't be dumb enough to expect a very hostile crowd to swallow that fluff and be happy. If he wins, it'll be dirty. At least then the crowd which will still boo him off the planet have that.

Every fan already knows Cena will win, as much as we don't want another Superman for 12 months garbage spewing from Cena's mouth it'll probably happen. At least as a heel he might say something else. Then again are the sales of Fruity pebbles too much to lose for Cena and the Company?

Last night Rock totally buried Cena and made him look like the 35 year old baby he is. A clown, goofball, a loser. Cena always will be to me becasue he never evolves. A man tarnishing his legacy because of utter stupidity.

I'd love Vince and The Upper WWE team to pull a massive swerve and have Rock win by cheating because he'll always be massively over anyway. He's even greater as a heel and the fans will always love him.
Have him screw over Cena and head off back to Hollywood with his Brahma Bull Belt whilist Cena finally turns on the crowd and the fans like Hogan did at WCW. He can truely say he was the better man and his destiny was taken away from him. I'd have him beat the Rock at Summerslam or Mania 30 clean to then have his redemption. It's way too forced and predictable now. Even the Match Title seems to want to give the ending away. It's just to forced to accept.

Then again Vince and his crack team at WWE are so out of touch it'll never happen. SuperCena will be back to annoy everyone over 12 who'll take it for what it is. TOTALBS.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 29/3/13

Also, MizTV is terrible. He's a bland interviewer.

His "really" catchphrase is bland, repetitive, stupid and uninspiring.

His wrestling ability leaves a lot to be desired.

I won't mention physique as I'm not one of those people that thinks you need to be a 6'5 280 lb monster in order to be a champion.

His general appeal just isn't good enough and his feuds are weak.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 29/3/13

Also, he has a face I'd just love to slap.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 29/3/13

The interesting thing i've found with people that preferred The Miz as a heel is they enjoyed the fact they tuned in to watch someone they didn't like. He seemed to invoke a throwback wrestling attitude in many respects, get people paying money to watch good get one over evil. I just took the pragmatic approach to him as a heel and wanted the little troll off my screen period, a notification on wwe.com of his release would've been a bigger rush than watching him get his backside levelled

As a face he can play up to his shortcomings alot better than he was doing as a heel. Basically the position he's in now is where Cena would've found himself had circumstances been different.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 29/3/13

I adapted a similar attitude to Heath Slater awhile back when he had his mini posse.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 29/3/13

I love Heath Slater. I wish he was given a mic more.

posted on 29/3/13

heath slaters segments with the legends were brilliant

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 29/3/13

I prefer my heels intelligent, powerful or both. Random attention seekers don't float my boat

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 30/3/13

So you don't like delusional heels but you like delusional faces?

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 30/3/13

You could put it like that yeah

I believe it's more important for the heel to establish credibility than the face. A heel can be delusional if it taps into his/her power and/or intelligence...... e.g. The Joker is quite a delusional character in many respects, he has all these conflicting judgement complexes which override one another, but it directly taps into his insanity, which taps into his power to manipulate. The only way the delusional heel can work is if they debut as one (e.g. Kurt Angle 2000).

When The Miz or Heath Slater (or even CM Punk) come out to just hear themselves talk effectively, what exactly are they gaining from this? It's not psychological warfare, it's not a dictation of facts...... what's their point? To just p!ss the crowd off for the sake of it?

The faces can do or say what they like because their morality is clean, they're naive alot of the time but that's a different issue, the heel first and foremost needs to have a believeable purpose to exist beyond being an idiot.

posted on 8/4/13

comment by Batmoanu™ (U2725)
posted 1 week, 6 days ago
I know it is all scripted but Cena actually looked genuinely intimidated during Rock's promo, simply because he knows he is not a fraction the man, wrestler or entertainer the Rock is and he never will be.

It will be a travesty when he predictably beats him. I just hope the victory comes from some sort of scréwjob rather than ending with a handshake

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