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Article Rating 3.5 Stars

tonights raw

anyone else staying up?

not a clue whats on the card as i've forgotten last week already

posted on 30/4/13

Watched the whole show in 5 minutes, that's how good it was.

posted on 1/5/13

Suarez mention the high point for me

posted on 1/5/13

So I didn't miss anything then?

posted on 1/5/13

Apart from Summer Rae's never ending legs Viva nope you did not miss a thing pal

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 1/5/13

Only saw the opening half hour or so, saw John Cena giving one of his public service announcements and felt no will to keep the television on.

Despite how it'll make Cena, Rock & the WM29 ending look, I'll be pulling for Ryback to beat Cena 100% clean at Extreme Rules and in all respective rematches between the two. The bigger picture has never mattered for WWE in the past, why should it now?

There's something about Cena that just makes him intolerable as the no.1 champion in the company. Technically they haven't rammed him down our throats as the illogical underdog (yet!!!) but the sight of him with the title just stinks of stagnation. I've yet to be convinced by Ryback's entertainment value as the no.1 champion (he's an uncrowned SD world champion at present) nor his heel turn (very plastic at the moment), but i guess I'm desperate. I wouldn't mind Cena with the title fighting Punk as a consistent nemesis, but any other scenario in which he has possession of the belt makes him and the product rot.

posted on 1/5/13

Bray Wyatt is being called up in a matter of weeks, I can't wait, please WWE DO NOT MESS THIS UP!!!

posted on 2/5/13

Apart from Summer Rae's never ending legs Viva nope you did not miss a thing pal
Yeah, saw what the first match was and just thought I can't be bothered with this. It's like the creative team don't even care anymore.

posted on 2/5/13

Bray Wyatt is being called up in a matter of weeks, I can't wait, please WWE DO NOT MESS THIS UP!!!


presenting Bray Wyatt the tapdancer!

posted on 2/5/13

His gimmick is so good, love his entrance music too

posted on 6/5/13

if anyone is watching tonight


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