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?Are the FA to blame...

For devaluing there own FA cup,I said it at the time and i still believe this to be the case,for me the gloss has totally been wiped off the tournament,for a start it should be a traditional 3 oclock ko ,and the semis should Not be played at Wembley and the season should be over when played..however would I and others still be saying this if the Rams were to win it,highly unlikely as we all know.
My apologies to Wigan fans if this seems patronising.
And lastly Man Utd are also culpable for not refusing to to enter the competition a few years ago.

see link.

posted on 12/5/13

you do realise the FA and the government asked united to go to the club world cup in 2000 to help the FA's 2006 world cup bid, dont blame united

posted on 12/5/13

I think the fans are to blame, at the top end they simply do not care too much about the competition and attendances highlight this.
I think managers are to blame. Top clubs putting Europe first, PL second and cup a distant 3rd. But it isn't just them. You see League 1 and 2 managers rotating for cup games with priority on promotion or survival.
TV is to blame. Back in the golden years of the FA Cup games on TV were rare. The FA Cup weekend was something to look forward to, as it would mean more televised football. Nowadays, with so much on, people are less excited about United v Shrewsbury, Arsenal v Derby and Spurs v Crewe, or whatever mix of games turn out. The FA cup has turned into a turn off, with people wanting to get back to the all action clashes in the PL.
The rewards of the FA Cup do not come close to those in the league, whether it be premiership or league 1.

Of course the FA has done much to ruin the rep of its cup. Scheduling is not great, I think replays are outdated and only add to the disdain felt towards the early rounds by many clubs, and the semi finals at Wembley are purely money driven.

BUT there is still some magic left, foreigners still talk about it as something they desire to play in, and for a non league club the chance to play a big team is the beauty of it all.

posted on 12/5/13

NO, the FA are not to blame.

The FA cup has been devalued by UEFA allowing more than 'champions' into the "Champions League".

UEFA are to blame.

posted on 12/5/13

The F.A cup winner should gain a place in the champions league. At least they will have won a trophy to gain entry, not just finishing 4th in their domestic league.

posted on 12/5/13

comment by It's a Mexican Rave!!!! Valar Dohaeris (U6687)
posted 7 hours, 46 minutes ago
you do realise the FA and the government asked united to go to the club world cup in 2000 to help the FA's 2006 world cup bid, dont blame united

Yes but they should have refused the FAs proposal and entered the cup that year,they started the rot.

posted on 12/5/13

The demise of the FA cup as a competition started when EUFA, formed the champions league and ditched the cup winners cup. Why did they do this, simple because like the FA they were frightened that the richer clubs would walk away and form their own league. Richer clubs never liked the idea of not guaranteeing themselves a place in European competition so the rules were changed just to appease a few wealthy clubs. So not only were Man Utd, but Liverpool, Arsenal, Real, Barcelona, Juventus, the two Milans, Ajax and Bayern and their greedy spoil sport owners are to blame. A curse on all their houses.

comment by SB&S (U17757)

posted on 12/5/13

Look at it realistically. The eventual winner of the FA Cup banks about £3.5m in prize money. £500k per game or thereabouts. For comparison, each place in the EPL is worth about £900k.Getting through the group stage in the CL nets a club around £20m. It's business. If the FA made the prize money for the winner £15m-£20m I imagine clubs would take it more seriously. The bean counters at clubs would argue it is just not worth it (£500k per game). The face that its a domestic cup as well limits its global appeal but I think it is fair to say, the final gets a big old viewing figure across the planet so is still regarded with a degree of reverence. Not too late to try to save the old girl.

posted on 12/5/13

yesterdays game may just be the game that saved the FA Cup

posted on 14/5/13

The FA ruin it by not making it a 3pm KO. AND by holding the semis at Wembley. (And by keep rigging the draw!)

UEFA/PL ruin it by allowing 4 "champions" into Europe. The FA Cup winners are more of a champion than finishing 3rd or 4th in the PL.

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