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Article Rating 5 Stars

We should get the guys on 606 to come here

Hey guys, we can all agree that this is the best of all the new forums that have been created to replace 606 but the problem is not too many people have come here so the site has not really taken off. How about we all do a marketing campaign on 606 to get those guys to come here because all the other sites just don't do it for me(I am guessing for you to) so it will be a shame to have to go to another site because ja606 never took off.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 30/5/11

Admin1 (U1)
There is only one problem that I have noticed so far which is a link to a page with the guide for smileys is missing. I hope you guys fix that soon because a lot of the people are avoiding the site because they think that there are no smileys.

Another thing it would be a good idea for you guys to start a feedback thread so that guys can be able to tell you on what's missing and what should be improved on the site.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 30/5/11

We will get the smiley guide onto the site tomorrow. We have a good idea of most of the things currently missing, but there aren't enough hours in the day. The forum was written from scratch and is still a work in progress. The features will arrive slowly but surely.

posted on 30/5/11

It kinda annoys me. It's between not606 and ja606. A collaboration makes more sense I feel. Keep the community together.

posted on 30/5/11

Also I would like the 'view all comments' at the top its annoying having to scroll down and click it and it should be like the bbc 606 where it appears after 11+ comments hope you understand what I am trying to say.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 30/5/11

I understand the 'view all comments' issues. We will get that in ASAP.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 30/5/11

Joe Harts Dance Instructor (U2824)
I don't really get whats funny with my profile.

posted on 30/5/11

This site is very good, very well made and has obviously taken time and effort..... well done <thumbupsmiley>

Most people (me included) will come over when 606 is actually dead..... that will probably be today?!!

posted on 30/5/11

also this is a test for the 3 min rule....

posted on 30/5/11

no 3 min rule.......... i like it <thumbsupagainsmiley>

posted on 16/2/12

Admins excellent work

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