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Football clubs changing names

recently we had discussion about whether football authorities would allow Red Bull to change Leeds name should they take over.

Once a precedent has been set, it's a lot easier for subsequent situations and now we see Hull City changing their name:


Changing clubs names because they're too long, or the owner doesn't like a particular word are poor reasons to change a club's name:

"My dislike for the word 'City' is because it is common. I want the club to be special.

"It is about identity. 'City' is a lousy identity. Hull City Association Football Club is so long."

posted on 10/8/13

The owners wishing to line their pockets will inevitably mean the club is doing well.
If Hull's owners made a lot of money due to the name change, that will also mean the club made a lot of money.

I would be concerned if the owners of my club did not wish to make as much money as possible.

posted on 10/8/13

I can understand a big club from the Prem elite rebranding for global marketing reasons to gain an extra few 100 million in merchandise sales, but I can't see Hull City Tigers, or Hull Tigers gaining much extra income from a global audience that will probably only see them on a few Sky games each season being mauled by the top teams. No, as usual It will only be the faithful fans who have to dig deep to buy the new merchandise.

Yet again it is a 'non football' mentality owner trying to change something that doesn't need changing.

On the other hand, Red Bull are a global company, so I can understand their desire to affix their brand to major sporting teams in big cities, but that is purely a sponsorship decision, not as in Hull's case where a Chairman/owner wants to tinker with his new toy for personal vanity.

posted on 10/8/13

Is Hull City playing Norwich City in their 1st game back?

Make no mistake, Norwich City fans will be ramming the "City" name down the Hull owners throats if they have any sense. And to justify that i hope the Hull City fans join in to raise the roof!
Also, what about the poor fans who bought Hull City branded merchandise before this change? What are the owners proposing to compensate there? Tell you what, i would tell 'em to stick it where the sun don't shine. Keep wearing the Hull City stuff lads.............you will win in the end.
For the sake of Hull City Football Club, i do hope we meet in a Cup competition this season because Leicester City fans will let their voices be heard instead of any banter about Pearson.

Leave our history & heritage well alone!

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 10/8/13

Myhammers, completely agree, same as reason for Cardiff switching from blue to red shirts for Asian market.

Long time no see spike, hope all is well! We've gone over he Salzburg thing a few times in here, red bull would want to mould to corporate brand as much as possible.

posted on 1/12/13

The Hull owner could be described as a disgrace to football, but of course he has nothing to do with football. Hence all this talk of "my businesses".

Don't give in, don't let him undermine 100+ years of tradition. Hang in there, wind him up, and with luck he will bu**er off.

posted on 1/12/13

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posted on 1/12/13

Without the owner they have, would Hull be in the Premiership?

posted on 1/12/13

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comment by NJS (U8272)

posted on 1/12/13

I think 'Tigers' is a superb addition to Hull...

Who the hell wants plain old 'City'....how many city's are they?

The owner is right to try and add some glamour to that club!

posted on 3/12/13

Do you want to see our fine things sold at an auction, our memories scattered to the winds?

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