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& so JA is back on line. Progress! Papa Smurf has turned down £3.5m for Snoddy. Progress. At what point does an offer become irrestible? 4m? 5m??

comment by (U2671)

posted on 5/6/11

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posted on 5/6/11

Think its impressive that we're now in a position to turn down 3.5m offer. ll be interesting to see what happens if Norwich up it to 4.5 or 5m.

I'm not cynical enough to think SG wouldn't see any of it. But time will tell

comment by (U2671)

posted on 5/6/11

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posted on 5/6/11

I have to agree that even at a fee of 5.0m, Bates will use the money in other areas such as the hotel, casino etc. Unless we get a ridiculous amount, say 10.0m, SG won't see any of it. I still feel that Harvey's statement on the OS last Friday is the writing on the wall. Such a shame to break up our best players. Hope this doesn't happen but under Bates anything can happen in a flash!!

posted on 5/6/11

as everyone says the amount of money that is reinvested in the squad is what is important. Grayson needs to stand up to bates and say "either he doesn't leave or I get 100% to bring in players", its not point selling him for 4-5 million and grayson only seeing a million of it. If bates is not going to put his hands in his on pocket he can at least not devalue the squad

posted on 5/6/11

Welcome back ja606

posted on 5/6/11

The fact that an article even appeared on the website tells you they intend selling - "we don't do our business in public!!" I assume they think fans are too naive to take this as the 'tsunami' warning it is suppoised to be. Oh so keen to tell us about such news but NOT to state the exact amount of money HE IS LOOKING TO SPEND IF the right players become available.

Either way, I hope word will get leaked out if we receive any monies for players. Perhaps if nothing happens and he doesn't spend any of it we can then prepare a song about the however many £millions he has pocketed.

posted on 5/6/11

RE, even Papa Smurf knows a good deal for the whole club when he sees one. The fact that he feels able to turn Down 3.5m suggests we really are moving forward. That it appeared on the website is just because it had appeared elsewhere. In short, not much the club could do other than to confirm what had appeared elsewhere.

Hope Snoddy stays. But if he does go, we already have natural replcements in the form of Sam or Nunez

posted on 5/6/11

Applause for Real_Estate. Well said in relation to the timing and the substance with the OS article in connection with the Snoddy bid.

I'm not a negative supporter before anyone jumps on my back. I just have high hopes and expectations. After all it is our very own Chairman who constantly says we are a massive club and agents are always on the phone looking to get their client a move.

posted on 6/6/11

It just smacks of " Well don't say you weren't warned he might get sold".

As I said: Keen to take £3.5 million; less keen to spend £3.5million. Therefore, why are we selling a £3.5 million player when even with him in the team, we couldn't even reach the play-offs?!! Why ARE we selling him then?

Only a "good deal" boggers if you can GUARANTEE the replacement player is not only CHEAPER, but is also BETTER....!!

Don't disagree with wat you're saying overall though.

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