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Games you've bought but haven't played!

Hi everyone!

As the title says, what games have you all bought but never actually got round to playing yet?

I've got a few

Red dead redemption undead version
Batman Arkham city
God of war 3
Star Wars force unleashed 2

Think that's it

posted on 13/11/13

comment by ★Hombre Los Lando. (U7798)
posted 8 hours, 11 minutes ago
I’ve got so many games I aint played yet, been picking them up cheap now and then as I’m stock piling, can’t be bothered with the next gen consoles.
Off my head I have Skate 3, L.A Noire, GOW3, Kane And Lynch, Syndicate, Red Faction, Assassin’s Creed 2, Grid 2, Bond: Blood stone, Dead Space 3 and a few others.
Will be getting more too, will keep me going for a good few years

Dead space is great but again... I have hardly had time to play it

posted on 14/11/13

Fatal Frame 2/ Project Zero 2
And there was this game I ordered for the dreamcast but it was all in Japanese so ended up not playing it. I then lost it, and a year later i found it was fetching a tidy sum online....

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 14/11/13

Fatal Frame

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 16/11/13

I've got loads I bought but never played. It seems like a good idea at the time. I have Halo still in it's cellophane wrapper somewhere.

posted on 17/11/13

Fifa Street, Gears of War trilogy, Dead Rising 1 and 2

quite a few actually!

posted on 18/11/13

Got quite a lot on steam, I always buy a lot when there's a sale on steam and only play a very few.

posted on 19/11/13

Odin Sphere for PS2

posted on 20/11/13

I bought Hitman AFTER playing Hitman Absolution and it was terrible, got past the guards at the old fair and that was it.

Batman Arkham Asylum, got about halfway through, got bored and haven't played it for months.

posted on 20/11/13

the Saboteur, bought it as a stop gap if that makes sense until somehting better came out

did the first training mission and then gave up. oddly enough i don't want to sell the game though!

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