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Article Rating 1.8 Stars

Clutching Straws

Sean Dyche puts things into perceptive...

"We have 20-something players who are working hard for the cause. Billy Davies has spoken about his injuries. I think he was down to 32 players."

posted on 23/11/13

Fancied you guys to do okay at the start of the season, even more so now under the new manager. Will be tough to go up but with the likes of Wigan straggling, top 6 is possible and then anything can happen. Keeping Will Hughes (even on a loan back) would be a big boost.

Honestly, i see more quality in this Derby team, certainly in an attacking sense, than the Palace team that went up last year. Still think a good finish this year and a promotion push next year would probably be ideal though. Just in terms of not wanting to go up before you're ready to make it count and last.

posted on 23/11/13

Does anyone get the feeling Billy's not respected by other managers, not that it matters when you're the best in the world, you don't need friends, but a few managers have been putting some digs in of late.

On the subject of other managers listen to Eddie Howe's comments about us, best team they've played so far this year ... s'alright init


posted on 23/11/13

To be fair, Dyche could make that comment about every team they come up against this season. You need to let this Billy obsession go. Get behind your Schteve!

posted on 23/11/13

Quote from Billy Davies

"There was only one team that was going to win this game. "

Billy demonstrating that he has now grasped the rules of football.

posted on 24/11/13

have to say sean dyche's comments made me laugh.
never have been one for the victim mentality and BD is a great one for it. he whines like a scouser.

posted on 24/11/13

Just take what BD says with a pinch of salt. He believes in his own hype.

posted on 24/11/13

Billy davies takes everything billy davies says with a pinch of salt 'n' vinegar

posted on 24/11/13

comment by I'm not Spartacus. Silva sunt stercore (U4603)
posted 23 hours, 32 minutes ago
Quote from Billy Davies

"There was only one team that was going to win this game. "

Billy demonstrating that he has now grasped the rules of football.
Draw, wannit?

posted on 25/11/13

We're snapping at their heels. It will be a thing of beauty when we dismantle them at *insertnameofchoice* stadium.

posted on 26/11/13

Clarky have you ever heard of taking the Michael? I hope you know what I'm on about. Wassa

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