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Frankly disappointed.

And I mean this as no offence to anyone who happens to be called Frankly, or even Franklyette or anyone in between.

First of all 606 folds and where is ja606? Offline, that's where. Not exactly confidence inspiring, is it?

Some days later, ja606 is back again, and so are my old chums CL and BD. So I try to be funny for once and translate their post and reply into 70s Jive.

Daft thing to do, of course, but I wanted to test out the new mod-free system.

Not accepted. I had used a banned word in there somewhere. I searched in vain for what it might be and deleted a few suspects, but no, it was still banned. So the comment, which was (would I lie to you?) killingly funny - I mean real rolling about - was not published.

Is this to be the alternative to 606? Okay, I'm all in favour of limiting effing and blinding, but this is ridiculous.

posted on 6/6/11

And you can wipe that smile of your place for a start, CL. I'm not a happy bunny.

posted on 6/6/11


comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 6/6/11

No FOI requests on our banned word lists I'm afraid, that would be like a cheat sheet!

Admins don't rate articles. Unofficial rule!

posted on 6/6/11

Well, I'm glad to see your rules are unofficial Admin1. Step in the right direction if you ask me. However, how can a list of banned words be construed as a cheat sheet? I'd call it a guideline. Besides, I'd love to see a list a swearwords posted on the Internet. You never see them. Particularly on sites like YouTube, which is so squeaky clean it might be run by a group of Mormons on a pilgrimage to Lourdes.

posted on 6/6/11

posted on 6/6/11

when sailing close to the wind it would be handy to have a compass for some bearings,agree with OS that baby and bathwater should not be thrown out together.

posted on 6/6/11

I have to say this though, Admin1 - you do reply! Which is a lot more than can be said for the faceless wonders at the BBC (with the exception of the wonderful Tara, who had lovely vowels).

comment by BD (U1159)

posted on 6/6/11

Hi Oslo,

I do agree with you on your main point...that we need it to be clarified in some way....but I'd like 2 say cut these guys some slack....I think that a lot of the other sites that wanted to replace 606 actually didn't give much thought into how we all liked the old set up....unlike these Lads & Lasses.

It sounds like they may have had some legal problems & has taken them longer than others, but you can't deny...It's just like being home, so like I said "cut them a little slack ok"

2nd not if that was a little dig at me 4 not being around much but I did state when I joined the PL that it was just for banter (of which I throughly enjoy)
& not the predictions as I could not guarantee to be around at regular intervals , But I'll take it on the back lol

posted on 7/6/11

while we've got the admin's attention, you wanna know what really grinds my gears? the fact I have to log in each and every time I visit this place... can we not have a 'Remember me' check box?

posted on 7/6/11

Well I can assure you setting up any website is not easy - I have had enough trials and tribulations with the relatively easy site that is http://boropl.co.uk

I am liking the site - what browser are you using - most will save usernames and passwords for you..

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