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Alex Oxlade Chamberlain

Injury permitting this is a key season in the development of Ox's career.

With Theo returning in August, the arrival of Campbell & Sanchez and the increasing emergence of Gnabry - Chamberlain is facing the kind of competition that will make it very hard to establish himself as a first choice winger for Arsenal.

He's a very versatile player (can play in any of the 5 midfield positions) so should get a lot of gametime from the bench as well as covering for injuries but he's unlikely to get a position nailed down.

The variety of being shifted from pillar to post could aid his development long term, letting him see and experience the game from a number of positions and getting a greater understanding of how to play (similar to Cesc and Henry starting under Wenger as wide players).However despite being only 20, I dont think Ox is quite on the level of those two.

He might need to pick a position (or have it picked for him) and just work on becoming first choice there or risk becoming the utility man on the bench.

Wenger and Hodgson both rate him highly and see him as eventually taking a central role but his performances there have been mixed. He show'd his best against Milan in 2012 but the less said about Stamford Bridge last season the better

TL:DR - Will Ox make it at Arsenal?

What will his eventual position be?

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 22/7/14

comment by Moistthighs (U3249)
posted 54 seconds ago
Is 'pocket occupier' in the Urban Dictionary? If not, it needs to be.
I thought that as i typed it. Inevitably now that you're involved it sounds like a dirty innuendo

Shame on you Moist.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 22/7/14

comment by The_Red_Cognoscente (U9741)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by HK - Proud Kenyan (U8418)
posted 12 minutes ago
whats TL:DR?

I believe it is 'tl;dr' - being one of the many rejoinders people on the internet use to tell each other that the writer's capacity for words exceeds the reader’s capacity for attention. Another, of course, is the terse “cool story bro” in response to someone’s meaningless tangent.
Narrate my life please

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 22/7/14

Moist v TRC = diction friction

posted on 22/7/14

Tl;Dr = too long; didn't read.

posted on 22/7/14

Pocket Occupier and Diction Friction

If Dot doesnt patent those terms for use in the adult toy industry then i will

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 22/7/14

Patents imprison humanity

Let the masses use these terms freely

posted on 22/7/14

Oxlade Chamberlain is a phenomenally talented player, and will be a key player for both club and country for years to come. In some games this year i'd love to see a front 3 of Ox - Walcott - Sanchez, all interchanging. Each one has blistering pace, but also they all bring a mix of other talents to the attack. Walcott's finishing is sublime, and pace is electric. Sanchez is a top dribbler and great at going at and past his man, and the Ox can help keep possession from the flank, and has a rocket of a shot from distance.

As one of the posters above said, Ozil playing behind these three would be breath taking, with our German meastro spolit for options ahead of him.

Also, a front three with that much pace will scare any defence; i'd expect to see more teams forced deeper and fair few more free kicks and penalties for us next season

posted on 22/7/14

Ox is a fantastic player. Great dribbler, quick and strong. I hope he'll start the season.

He's an exciting player to watch,

posted on 22/7/14

Thing it with the quality in depth, Ox isn't under any real pressure. That's how it should be with young talents. You shouldn't rely on them all the time. Compared to Wilshere I think Ox has time. Wilshere is the one who needs to really set his mark this season because at 22 he really should be starting to be a world beater with his talents.
Ox with his pace will be a great option of the bench. We saw last season that his passing is pretty crap so unless he performs 7/10 every match at least, he should for now be used as a secondary option.

posted on 22/7/14

comment by ● (U4443)
posted 2 hours, 11 minutes ago

I can see Ox doing well in that lineup and Mesut possibly getting an erection over the options of pacy runners.

Excellent against a team playing a high line, with full backs who push on. Not so good against a team who'd drop off, defend the box and have 2 holding midfielders 10 yards in front of them. Pace is useless with no space to use it.
Nice to have options for different set ups though. Pace up top was soemthing we sorely lacked last year and teams were able to press us right up the pitch.

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