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Hi chaps

Barnsley fan in blah, blah, blah.

We've signed James Bailey today...would appreciate any thoughts you have on him,


posted on 23/7/14

I've never been as exhausted as when I'd return from a family holiday to EuroDisney with Lil'Un

...and I've got it alllllll to come again, too! Why don't I learn?

posted on 23/7/14

You can never have enough of frozen you miserable old gets

And it's brill for keeping the kids quiet i.e if you don't stop arguing Daddy's gonna spend the next half hour singing all the songs

posted on 23/7/14

Agreed 666, went to the wife's family for a week and all I wanted to do was sleep.

Manc isn't it that we know the words off by heart

posted on 23/7/14

Very Igor,
I like to go shopping and start humming or singing it around other people with kids, the look of annoyance you get as they know they'll be singing it all day cracks me up each time.

posted on 23/7/14

Might try that

posted on 23/7/14

James Bailey was supposedly going to be a holding midfielder and was an understudy to Robbie Savage. Unfortunately he learnt too well from Savage.

The story from 666 was invented in his fertile but warped imagination. It stems from Nigel Clough seducing his missus and fathering a child. His paranoia often gets the the better of him.

posted on 23/7/14

Ignore 666. That's what most Rams fans do. He's a very complex character though. Takes a huge interest in DCFC. Spends about 10 hours a day on 606. Almost never goes to matches and is certainly not a season ticket holder. He is reputedly quite well built - fat even - and loves to come down on those who are already down. He is really quite vicious and lives in a house with a very small garden. He is a Daily Mail reader and his favourite press magnate is either Paul Dacre or Rupert Murdoch.

His opinions on football management can only be described as "twistedly weird" He desperately wants to be chosen as Derby's 606 Poster of the Year but he gets quite peevish when another wins the vote.

As for James Bailey - he should do alright. His problem at Derby was a long injury during which the young team developed well in his absence and - as everyone knows there are only a limited number of first team opportunities available. In a young, developing team like Derby, well endowed with great young talent brought in by the previous manager and the new Head Coach, Bailey just didn't make it through the crowd. He will serve you well I'm sure.

posted on 23/7/14


666 knows: Ramdini knows nowt, as per.

It was Baby-Eater Clough what ruined his time at Derby, nothing more and nothing less. Clough tried to bully him, he stood up for himself and was literally and figuratively sent to Coventry for doing so.

Thank Goodness for Sam Rush

posted on 24/7/14

JB is a decent enough player, but there was too much competition for places in his position whilst he was here.
Probably did upset Clough at some point and as everybody knows, if a player does that, they'll never play for him again.
JB is also a bit of a pretty boy. I'm sure Barnsley lass' will love him.

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 24/7/14

Can we have him back now please?

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