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Gary Cahill

I would just like to say Gary Cahill played fantastically last night. I know not alot of people care about the England Team but he was an absolute beast.

He got no mention from the commentators who seemed to bum phil jones (average performance at best) but i believe is was the true rock of the defence and on many occasions he covered for his colleagues and especially for that goal he saved.

That is all.

posted on 9/9/14

I know Gooonies like to call Koscielny world class
I'd like to think we're a bit more learned than that and can assess a player's ability correctly

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 9/9/14

Koscienly is debatable but in my opinion the world class tag is based on how players compare to their contemporaries at the time and Cahill isnt behind too many defenders in world football right now

posted on 9/9/14

comment by MonTheChels ~ Torres indigestion? Have a Remy (U19797)
posted 43 minutes ago
I love Cahill, fast becoming a world Class centre half,

for me he is not quite there yet, but not far off but he has all the attributes.

Hes quick, strong, anticipates the game ala John Terry which I think is what he has learned most from the great man.

Early on in his Chelsea and England career he was guilty of standing of a bit to much, but that seems to have been eradicated from his game.

He could well be the bargain of the century

with his current ability and the obvious England player tax, id value him at £30m

what did we buy him for?

£7m Bargain!

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 9/9/14

if we sold him we'd get between 16-24m for him depending on the strength of our bargaining position, i feel england tax only truly applies to young players with potential

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 9/9/14

One of of our best ever value for money buys

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 9/9/14

comment by Superb - I am the one who knocks (U6486)
posted 13 minutes ago
One of of our best ever value for money buys
Only Carlo comes to mind in terms of better.....actually Ivanovic too perhaps

posted on 9/9/14

Good to see everyone agrees. Gary Cahill our unsung hero!

posted on 9/9/14

Whilst quite a few seem happy to say how much Cahill has benefited from JT I think its fair to say that it works both ways. JT loves playing with a guy that understands him and actually follows instructions...


comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 9/9/14

Cahill is extremely mobile as well which is why he is such a good foil for Terry who is fractionally less mobile than he once was.

posted on 10/9/14

I fail to understand why he wasn't made England captain

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