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Bravo Sir Neil, Bravo!

Firstly chaps, I would like to ask for your forgiveness; this article is long overdue. However, I would like to take this opportunity to formally congratulate Sir Neil Warnock on his inspiring 3-2 victory away at Everton this past weekend.

A game in which I believe many Everton players had lost in the tunnel, due to being in awe of man that can only be described a master coach, a hero among men and a national treasure.

Ask any professional player or referee about Sir Neil Warnock, and they will tell you; as a coach, they fear him, as a man they adore him....

Even El Hadji Diouf was recently quoted as saying "Forget about the arm around the shoulder manager, If his arms were long enough, he would hug the globe... He is an important manager, he is gentleman".

I for one would like to thank Sir Neil for his contributions to world football and wish him every success in his Capital One Cup game tonight vs Newcastle - A game in which I'm sure we can all agree, he has already won in our hearts and minds.

posted on 24/9/14


posted on 24/9/14

Silly me! How aberrant this must appear. Please find my original article here:


posted on 24/9/14

Later than Macca here, but WTF?

posted on 24/9/14

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 23 minutes ago
Later than Macca here, but WTF?


I'm confused. You don't like Neil Warnock?

posted on 24/9/14

I have no feeling for him what so ever. Why would I?

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