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Question Time Clegg - 9pm

The Prime Minister will take his place alongside six other party leaders for the only debate that he will be affording us this election.

Hopefully they receive some sensible questions from the audience this time, or at the very least an impartial moderator.

Who will be watching?

posted on 1/5/15

And from the mouth fo Nigel Farage

When asked by Trevor Philips should "there be a law against discrimination on the grounds of race or colour?"

Farage said "no".

So hang on, UKIP isn't racist, but it's leader has said we should not have laws to prevent racism. Well that's clear.

posted on 1/5/15

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posted on 1/5/15

"white people playing divide and rule, we should not play their game"

That's from a labour MP Diane Abbot

posted on 1/5/15

Ttliv87 -

You're right, the UKIP coverage has died out... well, except when they're on Question Time every week, involved in most of the major TV debates, and on the BBC News front page every day in the run-up to the General Election. Do me a favour mate, the BBC may be biased, but it's not left-wing, or anti-UKIP. If anything it's centrist - and biased in favour of centrist politics - as they give very little coverage to the Greens and other leftist parties.

Neo -

So the guy lists major members of UKIP who've made racist comments and you say he's 'insane' in his logic? The fact is, UKIP members repeatedly let slip their true feelings and are constantly embarassing themselves. That's why UKIP have to apologise and sack said members every other week. They're a Tory/BNP hybrid masquerading as a party for the working class. Their policies do not favour the 'common man' at all. How can people not see this?

posted on 1/5/15

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posted on 1/5/15

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posted on 1/5/15

comment by Ttliv87 (U11882)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by The fackin Gaffer-Pranksteroflove-angry-dragon (U6283)
posted 23 seconds ago
"white people playing divide and rule, we should not play their game"

That's from a labour MP Diane Abbot
There's more from that vile landwhale

"blue eyed, blonde haired Finnish girls are unsuitable as nurses because they have never met a black person before"

"Britain invented racism"

In 2010 Abbott called David Cameron and Nick Clegg 'two posh white boys'

Sounds a lot like a Black supremacist.

to think she is a serving MP

posted on 1/5/15

Ttliv87 -

Fair enough if it is an average of 1 every 2 episodes but I would've thought it was more than that (it seems like every week tbh)...but if those are the numbers then I can't argue with that.

posted on 1/5/15

So the guy lists major members of UKIP who've made racist comments and you say he's 'insane' in his logic? The fact is, UKIP members repeatedly let slip their true feelings and are constantly embarassing themselves. That's why UKIP have to apologise and sack said members every other week. They're a Tory/BNP hybrid masquerading as a party for the working class. Their policies do not favour the 'common man' at all. How can people not see this?

Because the populous by and large are thick.

posted on 1/5/15

MP's ejército azul y blanco (U5500)

Haha yeah fair point

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