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No away support

No Cardiff fans will be travelling to the game today how quiet is it gonna be if they score.


comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 11/4/15

Rangers refused Celtic tickets for a game in the 90's after seat smashing allegations. Very weird, John Collins scored and had no one to celebrate in front of, not a good vibe.

posted on 11/4/15

Will be a very strange atmosphere, hopefully if will effect the Cardiff too.

posted on 11/4/15

Did something happen at last year's fixture? Wonder how many Cardiff fans were wanting to travel

posted on 11/4/15


Did the soul crew wreck the place last time?

posted on 11/4/15

Im guessing that the police expected Leeds fans to be irritable and violent, what with rumoured protests, so they limited down the amount of Cardiff fans to antagonise them. Maybe.

posted on 11/4/15

Its one of those games that always has the air of trouble i it. Millwall fans have to go through the same procedure.

posted on 11/4/15

They'll not be missed.

posted on 11/4/15

Seems they weren't happy at doing a voucher to ticket exchange. Clubs that have caused problems in the past - and we are included in this - cannot complain at police taking over cautious procedures.

posted on 11/4/15

I was in Cardiff with Northern Ireland fans a few years back,and we are always well behaved.
However,we were in Soul Crew pubs,by chance,and they took exception when some fans sang God save the Queen,so a fight broke out.
The soul crew met Belfast loyalist hardliners,and came off second best.

On the way to the ground,we were all together walking to the ground,and middle aged soul crew fools were going nuts,trying to get at us,but most Welsh fans were spot on.

posted on 11/4/15

Its always a minority that ruins it for everyone else

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