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Fair play to the Glens

A disappointing day for us Bluemen at Windsor yesterday but in a funny way i'm not overly annoyed at losing,don't get me wrong it's not nice losing a BigTwo game but truth be told we were rubbish yesterday & full marks has to go to the Glens who seemed well up for it,I would be more worried if it was near the end of the season but thankfully it's not there is a hell of a long way to go & what yesterday did prove is that anybody can beat anybody in this league,it's up to us now to bounce back on Tues night at the Whites then take it from there COYB

posted on 28/8/11

A wee blip on the road to victory Lisburn.............we have to let the dark side win now and again to keep the crowds up.

Good to see Shamrock Rovers doing the business in Europe after I watched the Bears mess up on Thursday.At least Lenny's losers are worse at present.

There's not a team like the Belfast Linfield........

posted on 29/8/11

Didnt see that Result coming and dont think too many expected it.
Just shows the unpredictability of the Big Two fixtures

Fair play to the Glens, a kick up the posterior for us, and roll on the next game

comment by ronan (U8953)

posted on 30/8/11

Gutted after last nights performance
Should have whacked DC by 3 or 4 goals but for poor finishing and that eejit Alan Black.

Poor start to the season but with the Boos losing on Saturday still in with a shout.

posted on 30/8/11

Most people have tipped the Blues and Crues to contest the title which is a fair enough assessment but the Glens have already beaten both on their own patch. I feel the type of complacency that the Blues unusually showed on Saturday has been our biggest downfall in recent seasons, particularly at home. I think we just expect to beat teams at The Oval and you just can't do that at any level of football in this day and age. Very early of course, Blues for me are always favourites, but it could be interesting enough this year. If we can make our next two home games count v Coleraine tonight and then The Reds on Saturday it will be a decent enough start to the campaign for us anyway.

posted on 30/8/11

The Blues are back,we're at it again.........
We're moving up to top the league,while the Glens can only draw.

Mind the gap.

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