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Dream League - Tactics Page

The deadline for tactics will be at 11.59pm on a Wednesday unless otherwise stated.

Non-tactics will result in an automatic 3-0 defeat unless prior warning is given or there is good reason why you cannot post tactics by this time.

As it is my intention that results are issued on a Thursday/Friday it is essential that everyone does their bit.

In terms of formation and tactics this is what is required.

A starting 11 in a formation diagram. I.e.
Along with your 7 subs

Alongside this you need to post your tactics (no minimum and no maximum number of words) along with any substitutions you wish to make.


comment by Marky (U19443)

posted on 20/8/15

Olympique Mayonnaise v SHAKHTAR SENSELESS

Injuries: Alen Halilovic, Divock Origi, Lucas Hernandez, Ashley Fletcher

------------------Julio Cesar
G.Varela - Subotic - Edgar Ie - Grimaldo
---------------Alonso - Samper
---------Muric - David Silva - Kurt

Subs: Rose, Bagnack, Abner, Medran, Hartwig, Vadala, Moha


Tough but winnable game at away to Mayonnaise, they have some class players in their side, however we have some world class players of our own to hurt them and cause them real problems. Our front four with assistance from the fullbacks should create plenty of chances, and in midfield we have a trio who can dictate the game in Samper, Alonso and David Silva.

Julio Cesar - Distribute from the back to the fullbacks/CM's, stay in communication with your defence throughout, be wary of long range efforts and ensure you stay big for any one on ones. On occasion go long for Dongou.

Subotic/Ie - Subotic to mark their striker, force him high up the pitch thus limiting his impact close to goal, and Ie to be the spare man, be first to the second ball and their second striker/AM making runs from midfield. When in possession bring the ball out of defence and use the midfielders ahead of you to help us play out from the back. Both of you go forward for setpieces.

Varela/Grimaldo - Both of you to force the opposition wingers out wide, do not allow them to come inside as this will cause more problems for our midfield. They will want to cut inside so force them outside and block their crosses at source. They will try to create problems infield so its vital you only show them down the wing. If they play a diamond with no wingers you will need to form a narrow back four with the CB's and leave no spaces in behind. When we have possession, push forward and support Muric/Kurt as they will try to run inside the fullback and you will provide the overlap to either create space or supply crosses into the area for Dongou and link with Silva. You will need to track back very quickly to ensure we don't get caught on the break.

Alonso/Samper - Alonso to patrol infront of the back four, if they play an AM stay on him, but don't follow if he drifts wide. Be first to any loose balls and in possession look for the attackers and pass rather than bring the ball out. Samper the box to box man, assist Alonso and the CB's in dealing with the opposition attack when we don't have the ball, but in possession get forward, use your physical presence and ball playing ability to our advantage, link with Silva and look to create chances for Dongou. Remain composed throughout.

David Silva - Playing the AM role, with the ball I want you to drift left and right, drag their DM out of position as they will be assigned to track your runs, swap with Muric and Kurt on occasion to create confusion and leave space for your teammates to run into. Link with Muric, Kurt, Dongou and Alonso, look for Dongou on the last defender for a through ball and also shoot if you get the opportunity. Get yourself between their DM and the ball, make them go through you and foul you to stop you, thus creating setpiece chances for us.

Muric/Kurt - Both playing out wide and both have the pace and trickery to beat the opposition fullbacks and get crosses in, but both of you will also have our fullback overlapping giving you the chance to cut inside and get shots in. Look to supply Dongou with chances and also provide yourselves with chances. Link up with Silva, and capitalise on the space Dongou's presence will create for you. Without the ball I expect you two to track back and assist your fullback.

Dongou - you will be expected to occupy the opposition centrebacks, hold up possession and look to turn the defender and shoot. Be strong in the air and look for your teammates trying to pick you out from deep. Shoot on sight. Stay on the last defender's shoulder for any passes in behind. With a very good goalscoring record for Barcelona B I expect you to be clinical when presented with chances.

Subs 70 mins:
If winning: Kurt off, Medran on. Switch to 4-5-1 but Medran giving us better defensive cover alongside Samper and Alonso. Silva and Muric the wide men. Absorb pressure and hit on the break.

If drawing: Kurt and Dongou off, Moha and Vadala on. Two like for like changes, same system but a more attacking winger in Moha and a different approach upfront in Vadala. Same formation but more attacking threat, push for the winner without overcommitting.

If losing: Ie and Samper off, Hartwig and Vadala on. Switch to 3-1-4-2, back three of Varela - Subotic - Grimaldo, Alonso in a quarterback role, Muric - Silva - Hartwig - Kurt behind a front two of Dongou and Vadala upfront. Push for goals.

comment by LC (U1826)

posted on 20/8/15

Cambuur Tactics : (Gameweek 2)
Captain : Velázquez
Vice Captain : Talisca

Cools----Velázquez----Salcedo ---Gomez

SUBS : Ondoa, Geferson, Lichnovsky, Weigl, Romero, Rodríguez, Zahovic

SUMMARY : A bit of a pick and mix this week. First choice CM pairing injured but not bad replacements. A decent side with 6 full internationals and another few involved with their international squads. Plenty of power and pace. The idea is simple. Use the ball wisely and efficiently. We will look to use our power through the middle and obvious pace our wide as the No. 1 weapon.

Goalkeeper : Bonilla is a big mobile keeper and very agile. A great shot stopper, he will communicate with the back 4 and be commanding with the high ball. He will not take any risks. He is a great distributor with both hand and foot and we will look to this as a way to launch quick attacks.

Defence : Our 2 full backs are there firstly to defend and make sure they stay on the right side of their opponents whether they be out wide or cutting inside. When we are on the attack they will be allowed to use their power and pace to provide the overlap on the flanks. They both have the power and the lungs to work the touchline for 90 minutes. They will make the pitch wide and always offer themselves as an option in attack. Our 2 centre halves are big 6 feet plus ball playing defenders. Both good in the air and equally as good with the ball at their feet. They will be asked to do the simple things well. Be aggressive but controlled in the tackle and never lose your man when defending dead ball situations. They will be able to bring the ball out of defence but if in doubt take absolutely no chances and clear it. Both big men will be a real aerial threat at set pieces.

Midfield : Pereira will be the midfield general. A physical pacey midfielder he will be there to boss this area for us. Breaking up play and filling in as an extra defender if one of our back 4 has ventured forward. He will be there to protect the defence and do a lot of the unseen dirty work in the centre of the park. He is essential to our gameplan and while sitting deep will still offer a lot with his great passing ability. He also has a thunderbolt right foot. Oliveira and Talisca will play just in front of Pereira. They will have a box-to-box role if you like and will act as the links between midfield and attack. They will also have to put a defensive shift in and both are very strong in the tackle. We will look at their enthusiasm and relentless pressing of the opposition as a way to hopefully get a bit of a grip on the midfield and at the very least not make it plain sailing for the opposition.

Wingers/Centre Forward : When in possession both Ocampos and Cardona will be expected to go for the direct approach and use their power and speed to take on the opposition defence and beat them and bring Talisca, Oliveira and Carrillo in to play. They can vary their attacks as they see fit. Both players can play all across the middle so don’t be surprised to see them swapping wings. At times Oliveira may sit a bit deeper allowing Talisca to slot in between both wingers, just behind the CF. As well as an attacking force both wingers will also have to put a defensive shift when called upon and act as back up for their respective full backs.

Carrillo starts as the CF. He won’t be short of support or ammunition with the attacking talent behind him. Great playing off the shoulder of the last man he is deadly in and around the box. A bag of energy and very strong we will also look for him to hold up and bring others in to play if it doesn’t seem to be on for him. We will look to get bodies in the box when attacking so he should always have an outlet. He is also great in the air and will provide an option from set pieces. When the shot is on he will take it but we also want to put himself about in the box and think that his lightning pace will be a real handful for defences. He will also be alert to any scraps in and around the goal. He has the ability to produce something sublime and create a chance out of nothing.

Free Kicks/Corners : Talisca, Cardona or Ocampos with Salcedo , Velázquez, Pereira and Carrillo to offer an aerial threat. Talisca and Cardona (with his thunderbolt left foot) may try their luck with several free kicks from distance.

Substitutions : (75 mins) 3 like for like subs –Lichnovsky for Salcedo, Weigl for Oliveira and Rodríguez for Carrillo.

posted on 20/8/15

Cheeky Milandos

Sergi Palencia, Nigel De Jong, Benik Afobe, Jean-Christophe Bahebeck


Subs: Flatt (GK), Mexes, Chernov,Dunn, Britton, , Aarons, Ojo

Capt: Chiellini
Free kicks: Pirlo
Corners: Pirlo
Pens: Ibrahimovic

Opening game of the season at home against Milky FC… not sure how they’ll line up or what kind of style they play with, so my boys will go out and play their own game, do the basics right and the result will take care of itself.
A nice simple traditional 4-4-2 today making the most of our solid spine whilst enabling us to make the most of our pace out-wide.
I want my team to play in a style not dissimilar to the great United teams of the Fergie era, hard to break down through the middle, but using good ball players for retention, won’t be passing for passing sake, we’ll look to use our intelligence to pull the opposition out of position and create space for our front-men to exploit.


Standard stuff, no sweeper keeper business, keep things simple and try and stop them from scoring.

Both young and quick “modern” full-backs that enjoy getting forward but have enough in the tank to get back, this is to be encouraged as we look to stretch the pitch as wide as we can, they’ll run the line allowing our wingers to cut inside. Defensively standard stuff, show the man the line, don’t dive in etc etc
The muscle at the back….If Milky go one up top then he’ll be the man marker, using his physical size and power to nullify the threat, he’s the first knock defender, anything in the air he’s the man to clear house

The old warhorse is the spare man, will sweep up any loose balls, and deal with any late runners from midfield

The midfield maestro will dictate the tempo as he strokes the ball around pitch, probing for any weaknesses in Milky’s defences, short and crisp or longer and flat it doesn’t matter to him, and he’ll look feckin dapper whilst it

A second midfield play-maker will enable us to really get hold of the ball and play the game we want playing, a very tidy player but also capable of getting stuck in and doing a shift defensively.

Spurs play him at RB but he seems to be doing well for the USofA at RM and there’s where he slots in for us, a bit of an unknown quantity but is blindingly quick and will certainly keep Milky’s LB pegged back a little, allowing us to get some joy out-wide

Not going to lie, have never seen him play but seems highly rated at PSG, Pace and Power apparently so gives us another outlet

The man the myth the legend – The guarantor of league titles….he’s our #9 that’s all I need to say about Zlatan

The legs may have gone, but the smile’s still there….plays as the #10 today so given a fair amount of freedom to float around the pitch and do what he does best….

65 minutes – fresh legs

Mexes > Barzagli
Britton > Montolivo
Aarons > Bahebeck

comment by LC (U1826)

posted on 20/8/15

Cambuur Tactics : (Gameweek 3)
Captain : Velázquez
Vice Captain : Weigl

Mayke----Velázquez----Salcedo ---Gomez

SUBS : Bonilla, Marlon, Lichnovsky, Ascues, Ocampos, Jovic, Zahovic

SUMMARY : A decent side with 7 full internationals and another few involved with their international squads. Plenty of power and pace. The idea is simple. Use the ball wisely and efficiently. We will look to use our power through the middle and obvious pace our wide as the No. 1 weapon.

Goalkeeper : Gabriel is a big mobile keeper and very agile. A great shot stopper, he will communicate with the back 4 and be commanding with the high ball. He will not take any risks. He is a great distributor with both hand and foot and we will look to this as a way to launch quick attacks.

Defence : Our 2 full backs are there firstly to defend and make sure they stay on the right side of their opponents whether they be out wide or cutting inside. When we are on the attack they will be allowed to use their power and pace to provide the overlap on the flanks. They both have the power and the lungs to work the touchline for 90 minutes. They will make the pitch wide and always offer themselves as an option in attack. Our 2 centre halves are big 6 feet plus ball playing defenders. Both good in the air and equally as good with the ball at their feet. They will be asked to do the simple things well. Be aggressive but controlled in the tackle and never lose your man when defending dead ball situations. They will be able to bring the ball out of defence but if in doubt take absolutely no chances and clear it. Both big men will be a real aerial threat at set pieces.

Midfield : Pereira will be the midfield general. A physical pacey midfielder he will be there to boss this area for us. Breaking up play and filling in as an extra defender if one of our back 4 has ventured forward. He will be there to protect the defence and do a lot of the unseen dirty work in the centre of the park. He is essential to our gameplan and while sitting deep will still offer a lot with his great passing ability. He also has a thunderbolt right foot. Oliveira and Weigl will play just in front of Pereira. They will have a box-to-box role if you like and will act as the links between midfield and attack. They will also have to put a defensive shift in and both are very strong in the tackle. We will look at their enthusiasm and relentless pressing of the opposition as a way to hopefully get a bit of a grip on the midfield and at the very least not make it plain sailing for the opposition.

Wingers/Centre Forward : When in possession both Corona and Cardona will be expected to go for the direct approach and use their power and speed to take on the opposition defence and beat them and bring Weigl, Oliveira and Carrillo in to play. They can vary their attacks as they see fit. Both players can play all across the middle so don’t be surprised to see them swapping wings. At times Oliveira may sit a bit deeper allowing Weigl to slot in between both wingers, just behind the CF. As well as an attacking force both wingers will also have to put a defensive shift when called upon and act as back up for their respective full backs.

Carrillo starts as the CF. He won’t be short of support or ammunition with the attacking talent behind him. Great playing off the shoulder of the last man he is deadly in and around the box. A bag of energy and very strong we will also look for him to hold up and bring others in to play if it doesn’t seem to be on for him. We will look to get bodies in the box when attacking so he should always have an outlet. He is also great in the air and will provide an option from set pieces. When the shot is on he will take it but we also want to put himself about in the box and think that his lightning pace will be a real handful for defences. He will also be alert to any scraps in and around the goal. He has the ability to produce something sublime and create a chance out of nothing.

Free Kicks/Corners : Weigl, Cardona or Corona with Salcedo , Velázquez, Pereira and Carrillo to offer an aerial threat. Weigl and Cardona (with his thunderbolt left foot) may try their luck with several free kicks from distance.

Substitutions : (75 mins) 3 like for like subs –Lichnovsky for Salcedo, Ascues for Oliveira and Jovic for Carrillo.

comment by LC (U1826)

posted on 20/8/15

Cambuur Tactics : (Gameweek 4)
Captain : Velázquez
Vice Captain : Talisca

Mayke----Velázquez----Salcedo ---Gastón

SUBS : Bonilla, Geferson, Gomez, Weigl, Romero, Rodríguez, Zahovic

SUMMARY : Same old. Trying to get the flow of the team together and trying to stick with one system – worry about perfecting that and not worry about what way or with whom the opposition may play. Plenty of power and pace. The idea is simple. Use the ball wisely and efficiently. We will look to use our power through the middle and obvious pace our wide as the No. 1 weapon.

Goalkeeper : Gabriel is a big mobile keeper and very agile. A great shot stopper, he will communicate with the back 4 and be commanding with the high ball. He will not take any risks. He is a great distributor with both hand and foot and we will look to this as a way to launch quick attacks.

Defence : Our 2 full backs are there firstly to defend and make sure they stay on the right side of their opponents whether they be out wide or cutting inside. When we are on the attack they will be allowed to use their power and pace to provide the overlap on the flanks. They both have the power and the lungs to work the touchline for 90 minutes. They will make the pitch wide and always offer themselves as an option in attack. Our 2 centre halves are big 6 feet plus ball playing defenders. Both good in the air and equally as good with the ball at their feet. They will be asked to do the simple things well. Be aggressive but controlled in the tackle and never lose your man when defending dead ball situations. They will be able to bring the ball out of defence but if in doubt take absolutely no chances and clear it. Both big men will be a real aerial threat at set pieces.

Midfield : Ascues will be the midfield general. A physical pacey midfielder he will be there to boss this area for us. Breaking up play and filling in as an extra defender if one of our back 4 has ventured forward. He will be there to protect the defence and do a lot of the unseen dirty work in the centre of the park. He is essential to our gameplan and while sitting deep will still offer a lot with his great passing ability. He also has a thunderbolt right foot. Oliveira and Talisca will play just in front of Ascues. They will have a box-to-box role if you like and will act as the links between midfield and attack. They will also have to put a defensive shift in and both are very strong in the tackle. We will look at their enthusiasm and relentless pressing of the opposition as a way to hopefully get a bit of a grip on the midfield and at the very least not make it plain sailing for the opposition.

Wingers/Centre Forward : When in possession both Corona and Ocampos will be expected to go for the direct approach and use their power and speed to take on the opposition defence and beat them and bring Talisca, Oliveira and Carrillo in to play. They can vary their attacks as they see fit. Both players can play all across the middle so don’t be surprised to see them swapping wings. At times Oliveira may sit a bit deeper allowing Talisca to slot in between both wingers, just behind the CF. As well as an attacking force both wingers will also have to put a defensive shift when called upon and act as back up for their respective full backs.

Carrillo starts as the CF. He won’t be short of support or ammunition with the attacking talent behind him. Great playing off the shoulder of the last man he is deadly in and around the box. A bag of energy and very strong we will also look for him to hold up and bring others in to play if it doesn’t seem to be on for him. We will look to get bodies in the box when attacking so he should always have an outlet. He is also great in the air and will provide an option from set pieces. When the shot is on he will take it but we also want to put himself about in the box and think that his lightning pace will be a real handful for defences. He will also be alert to any scraps in and around the goal. He has the ability to produce something sublime and create a chance out of nothing.

Free Kicks/Corners : Talisca, Ocampos or Corona with Salcedo , Velázquez, Ascues and Carrillo to offer an aerial threat. Talisca and Ocampos (with his thunderbolt left foot) may try their luck with several free kicks from distance.

Substitutions : (75 mins) 3 like for like subs – Gomez for Salcedo, Weigl for Oliveira and Rodríguez for Carrillo.

posted on 20/8/15

AFC Ballmouth Tactics (week 1)

Injuries: Lucas Vasquez, Rickie Lambert, Jason Denayer, Adrian Ramos

Bellerin -- Demichelis -- Rekik -- Holebas
---------------Motta (C) ----------Goretzka
Martinez -------------Valdivia---------Kishna

Benchizzle: Sivera,Maggio,Hause,Barry,Gaudino,Reine Adelaide,Zelalem

Corners - Motta
Free Kicks - Valdivia
Pens - Llorente

Team Talk: Up against Hero, Usually tactically adequate, He has Bernardos & Coman missing with should take some of the threat from the wide areas so shall look to exploit that by keeping the middle tight and getting the balls out wide.

Helton: Look to come claim crosses and in general sweep up balls in behind the defense. When have the ball look to throw it out quickly to a winger.

Back 4 - Look to sit deep and negate the space in behind the defense to stop their pacey players getting in behind. With their wingers injured i want to the back 4 to squeeze tight to force them wide and cross it.

Bellerin - When with the ball look to get up and overlap or underlap Martinez, Look to whip balls in for Llorente. When defending keep tight to Demichelis to force them down the line. Give yourself a yard head start so make it impossible to out run you. Look to cover the space behind Demichelis.

Demichelis - Look to get tight to the forward when up close towards you don't give him the space to get a shot away, When further out leave for the DM's. Keep tight to Rekik squeezing the space to create in front of you.

Rekik - Look to watch for Gerson to run forwards and get in behind. Get out to him if goes for a shot, If he's not coming forwards then look to cover the space behind Demichelis for on runners from deep.

Holebas - When on the ball look to overlap Kishna and get the cross in. When defending keep tight with Rekik and force them wide. Try block crosses when possible.

Motta - Just sit infront of the defense and look to keep Gerson from creating anything, look to block him off from getting the ball into the forwards and force him back away from goal or outwide. When have the ball just keep play ticking over and look to get the ball into our creative players.

Goretzka - Look to get on the ball and create from deep hitting balls up to Llorente or outwide. Once done that look to get up the pitch past Llorente to drag players out of space for Valdivia to create. When defending look to get out to Clasie and put pressure on him. Stop him dictating the play from deep positions.

Attacking 3 - Look to rotate if not getting any success on that wing or being man marked closely.

Martinez - Your starting wide right and i want you to get at the LB then cut in to leave space for Hector to overlap. When cut in look to play the 1/2 to get in behind. If he underlaps then just knock it behind for him. Look to create and slide balls in behind when cut inside. When defending just track the full back and double up with Hector

Valdivia - I want you to sit right behind Clasie so it pulls the DM across to give Goretzka room to roam in behind, Look to pull the strings and slide the ball in behind the full backs, If they drop off have a go at goal. When defending look to double on Clasie with Goretzka

Kishna - Look to run at Arias try turn him inside out with your dribbling and whip balls in the box. If cut inside link up with Valdivia or into Llorente and back in behind. When defending track the full back and block the crosses & stop him cutting inside.

Llorente - I want you to sit on the smaller CB and look to use your height advantage and physicalness to hold the ball up. At goal kicks i want you to get onto a full back for knockdowns. When crosses come in the box look to run in at the back post and just jump over people or look to get infront of the defender and get a tap in

Subs - If winning after 80 mins - Barry for Valdivia - Look to see out the game.

If losing after 80 mins then Reine Adelaide & Gaudino on for Motta & Martinez

posted on 20/8/15

Injuries - Victor Ruiz, Eder, Jaime Sanchez, Raul


Una nueva temporada comienza! A new season begins!
We are up against LC this week so I will be looking to show his Samba boys how I roll with an attacking display that will send shivers to the rest of the managers in my league. I want us to start of with a quick tempo. Close down the Cambuur players when they have the ball and try and get an early goal. After a bit slow the tempo down to get your stamina back up but always try and attack.

-----------------------De Sanctis------------------
-----------------------------De Rossi-------------------------------

Subs - Bartley, A Cole, Luismi, Piazon, Grosskreutz, Totti, Rochinha

De Sanctis
De Sanctis in net is an experienced and proven GK. I want him to command his box and if he can catch the ball then he should. If a shot comes in that is poverfull then he should parry it away to safety. Don't hesitate and kick the ball out quickly if you have possession.

Centre Backs - Okore + Coloccini
A nice mix of the pace and strenght of Okore with the experience and expert defensive ability of Coloccini will be very hard to beat. If LC plays one in attack than you should stick close to him and use your aerial ability to head the ball away if he is playing a target man. If he is playing a pacy striker than stay deep as De Rossi will be sticking close to him and stop him from using his pace by not letting him turn. When we have a corner I want Coloccini to join the attack. He is a decent aerial threat and if he gets a header on target, than it most likely will be a goal. Okore will stay back with Durm and Pieters to stop any potential counter attack.

Full Backs - Durm + Pieters
I want both of my FB's to start off with a defensive mindset and see how the opposition wingers are playing. Yiu both are fairly quick and are pretty tall for full backs so use you pace and strength to stop the LC wingers. If they try cutting in than De Rossi will be there to help you and tackle them. As the game goes on I want you to make overlapping runs and help Deulofeu and Montero. Put crosses in the box or pull the ball back to the edge of the box for Saul or Lemina to shoot from range.

Defence Mid - De Rossi
The Italian Stallion will be tasked with protecting the defence. When the LC striker has the ball I want you to close him down. You will be tasked with helping my full backs by doubling up on their wingers. When in possession I want you to quickly pass the ball to the nearest attacking teammate and go back to providing cover.

Centre Mids - Saul + Lemina
These 2 youngsters bring pace and energy to compliment the experience of De Rossi. They will be given a b2b role as we will look to exploit LC's midfield. I want them to play the ball forward to either 1 of the wingers and make forays into the opponents box. You both can dribble aswell so when you have possession keep your head up and look for the most logical pass. When the opposition centre mids and attack mid have the ball I want you to close them down. Try and steal the ball off them and launch a quick counter attack using the pace of Deulofeu and Montero. If you see a chance to shoot from range then do so.

Wingers - Deulofeu + Montero
These 2 will be my main attacking outlets. They are two of the quickest and skillfull wingers in the EPL and I will look to use their raw pace to give the opposition full backs nightmares for days. Montero is a skillful winger who will look to confuse the Cambuur right back by mixing up his play. He will cut in from the right and make some space to shoot or play a quick one two and make a run into the box. He can also use his electric pace to beat the full back on the outside and cross the ball into the box with his left foot, which he is very good at using. Deulofeu will have a similar role to Montero but his will be more focused on beating the left back on the outside and getting crosses into the box. Use your Spanish fiesta dribbling ability to cause havoc to the left back.

Striker - Benzia
He may not be a target man but I want him to use his pace to play on the shoulders of the Cambuur CB's. He is also good at dribbling so I want him to play quick passes with my wingers. Try and get a touch on the ball when Deulofeu and Montero get crosses into the box. Your not a short player so if you can get in front of your man you will score from one of the crosses. Shoot if you see an opportunity.

Put Totti on for De Rossi. Totti moves up to AM. Use his experience off the bench to create/score a goal.
Put Piazon on for Montero. Fresh legs.

Put Grosskreutz on for Montero. Grosskreutz is very good at tracking back and helping the defence. Play deep counter attacking football.

Piazon on for Montero.
Luismi on for Lemina.
Grosskreutz on for Deulofeu.
Fresh legs to keep the pace up.

posted on 20/8/15

Capitan - De Rossi
Vice Capitan - Coloccini
Corners - Deulofeu
Free Kicks - Montero

posted on 20/8/15

Penalties - Benzia

posted on 20/8/15

Injuries: Jose Pozo, Luiz Adriano, Sidney Sam, Luisao

Formation: 4-2-3-1

Vrsaljko--El Koutari--Terry--Regini
El Ghazi--------Maher------------Elia

Captain: Terry
Pens: Maher
Free kicks: Elia
Corners: El Ghazi

Up against Cheeky Milandos for the first match, we are going to go into the match looking to play our style of play that i plan to play throughout the season. Plenty of passing and plenty of movement with a balanced system in defence and a good solid attacking unit up front.


Weidenfeller - I want you to do the standard stuff, command your box, work the ball out into our possession, use the ball cleverly.

Vrsaljko and Regini - I want you to work up and down the left hand side in a controlled way, providing extra width and support for El Ghazi and Elia respectively. Look to get beyond the full backs on the overlap. In defence, i want you to cover for the runs in from out wide and keep the wingers at bay, make them stretch their play and stay glued to them.

Terry and El Koutari - Terry i want you to command the box, make it your own, win the aerial battles and provide the strength to control the area. El Koutari i want you to be on the cover for Terry, watch the runs in from out wide and anything coming through the centre. You will need to be on your toes as the chances are they will have Pirlo pulling the strings with his passing ability, i want you to look to cut these out at every opportunity.

Toulalan - I want you to be patrolling and controlling in our final third, squeeze the play out of there to releive the pressure on our back 4. I want you to be the powerful and strong player in our midfield covering for the flair players. Attacking wise i don't want you to go anywhere and i want you to stick around in our final third on alert incase of the counter attacks.

Vilhena - Your energy is going to be key today to get up and down the pitch providing the link between our attacking players and defensive players. I want you to get around the pitch, always looking to be available for passes and working the ball forward.

El Ghazi and Maher - You will be heavily supported by Vrsaljko and Regini in our attacks, they will be overlapping, use this to your advantage as we are playing Djordevic and we want to hit him with crosses from out wide as well as look to cut inside and shoot from both sides. Defensively you will both need to repay the favour and get back in support of the full backs.

Maher - You are my number 10 today, i want you to play just off of Djordevic in support by picking up his knock downs and you will need to be the player who has his head on a pivot today, spraying the ball out wide to our wingers so that they can exploit the wide areas. I want you to get ahead of the last defenders and almost play as a supporting striker at times. This will put pressure on the Milandos defence and hopefully pin them back, not allowing them to get out and play thier game.

Djordevic - You are playing as a lone striker today, get in and around the Milandos defence, make your prescence known. Maher will be playing just off of you in support so look to win the aeiral battles and knock it down to him into his path. I want you to look to get into the box onto the end of crosses of which there should be plenty coming in from out wide and again looking to win the aerial battles.

Subs: Giefer, Lukaku, Busch, Bahlouli, Lulic, Labyad, Neilton.

Neilton on for Djordevic in the 70th Minute - Look to get in behind late on using your pace.

Bahlouli on for Maher in the 80th Minute - Play the same role as Maher, this time looking to play the ball in behind for Neilton.

Lulic on for Vilhena in the 85th Minute - The same thing again, keep providing energy and keep the workrate up until the end of the match.

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